How to Set Up a Custom CRAN-like Repository

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This document will walk you through the creation of a custom, CRAN-like repository. We will:

  1. Create a CRAN-like repository called sushi on disk,
  2. Generate and ‘upload’ a package called sashimi to this repository,
  3. Use install.packages() to install the package.

You might also find the official R documentation on the topic helpful as a reference.

Let’s get started!

First, we create the directory itself – we’ll put it at ~/local-cran:

localCRAN <- path.expand("~/local-cran")

Next, we create the src/contrib directory – this is where the source tarballs for uploaded packages will live.

contribDir <- file.path(localCRAN, "src", "contrib")
dir.create(contribDir, recursive = TRUE)

Now, we’ll create the ‘binary’ directories, where built binary versions of these packages (for the various architectures supported) live. Note that these folders should exist, but it is not necessary to populate them. Binary packages are also keyed to certain R versions, of the form <major>.<minor>. If you plan on distributing binary packages, be sure to create a sub-folder corresponding to each version of R you support!

rVersion <- paste(unlist(getRversion())[1:2], collapse = ".")

binPaths <- list(
  win.binary = file.path("bin/windows/contrib", rVersion),
  mac.binary = file.path("bin/macosx/contrib", rVersion),
  mac.binary.mavericks = file.path("bin/macosx/mavericks/contrib", rVersion),
  mac.binary.leopard = file.path("bin/macosx/leopard/contrib", rVersion)

binPaths <- lapply(binPaths, function(x) file.path(localCRAN, x))
lapply(binPaths, function(path) {
  dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)

Now, let’s generate a simple package and ‘upload’ it to our CRAN-like repository.

Now, we would like to just use ‘package.skeleton()’, but it creates packages that cannot actually be built and installed – so we use pkgKitten instead, which generates buildable package skeletons.

if (!require("pkgKitten")) {
kitten("sashimi", path = tempdir())
pkgDir <- file.path(tempdir(), "sashimi")

Now, the key step needed for Packrat to understand the repository – we give this package a custom repository name. The idea is that we will now tie this name to a particular URL on disk for installation. We will call this custom repository ‘sushi’; to enable this, we will annotate the DESCRIPTION file generated with ‘Repository: sushi’. The idea is that all packages that will ‘live’ on this custom repository should get the ‘Repository: sushi’ field.

sashimiDescPath <- file.path(tempdir(), "sashimi", "DESCRIPTION")
cat("Repository: sushi", file = sashimiDescPath, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")

Now that we’ve set up the package source to name its ‘home’ repository, we can build it and ‘upload’ it to CRAN!

# Go to the temporary directory and build 'sashimi'
owd <- getwd()
system("R CMD build sashimi")

# Copy it to the 'src/contrib' sub-directory
  file.path(tempdir(), "sashimi_1.0.tar.gz"),
  file.path(contribDir, "sashimi_1.0.tar.gz")

We’re almost done. The last step we need to do (and, for a real repository, should be run whenever the repository is updated), is to write the PACKAGES file for each sub-directory. This file is used by R’s functions like install.packages() for querying information about the repository, and what packages are actually available.

tools::write_PACKAGES(contribDir, type = "source")
lapply(binPaths, function(path) {

Great! Your custom CRAN repository tree should now look like:

├── bin
│   ├── macosx
│   │   ├── contrib
│   │   │   ├── PACKAGES
│   │   │   └── PACKAGES.gz
│   │   ├── leopard
│   │   │   └── contrib
│   │   │       ├── PACKAGES
│   │   │       └── PACKAGES.gz
│   │   └── mavericks
│   │       └── contrib
│   │           ├── PACKAGES
│   │           └── PACKAGES.gz
│   └── windows
│       └── contrib
│           ├── PACKAGES
│           └── PACKAGES.gz
└── src
    └── contrib
        ├── PACKAGES
        ├── PACKAGES.gz
        └── sashimi_1.0.tar.gz

11 directories, 13 files

Now, we just need to teach R about this repository, and where it exists. This is as simple as setting the repos option, mapping the repository name (sushi) to a URI (in this case, the path on disk).

oldRepos <- getOption("repos")
cranURI <- paste("file://", normalizePath(localCRAN, winslash = "/"), sep = "")
options(repos = c(oldRepos, sushi = cranURI))

Note on Windows you’ll need to use

cranURI <- paste("file:", normalizePath(localCRAN, winslash = "/"), sep = "")

If we’ve done this correctly, install.packages() will just ‘know’ how to install this package. Note that binaries won’t be available for it (since you would have to generate your own binary build machines, to generate binaries from uploaded sources) – but we can install the source packages just fine.

install.packages("sashimi", type = "source")

Bam! You just installed a package from your own custom-made CRAN-like repository!

Wait… where does Packrat fit in all of this? Well, Packrat already understands how to communicate with CRAN-like repositories – that’s what it does by default. So, all you need to do in your Packrat project is:

  1. Update the repos in your project, analogous to the command above options(repos = c(oldRepos, sushi = cranURI)), and
  2. Call packrat::snapshot() to update the repositories associated with your project,

and you’re good to go!

If you’d like to get this code all in one place, please see here.

More Resources

You can use the miniCRAN package to create local clones of CRAN with a specific subset of packages – this can be very useful in situations where you might have only local network access, but want to make some subset of CRAN packages available for users on that local network. And, since a miniCRAN repo is still just plain old CRAN repository, Packrat will know how to interact with it.