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uses_geom_params checks that a plot's geom layer uses a specific parameter.


uses_geom_params(p, geom, ..., params = NULL, i = NULL)

uses_geom_param(p, geom, ..., params = NULL, i = NULL)



A ggplot object


A character string found in the suffix of a ggplot2 geom function, e.g. "point".


<dynamic-dots> Named values or character strings. Unnamed arguments will check whether any value was set for that parameter. Named arguments will check whether the parameter with the same name has a matching value. Each argument should have a name matching a ggplot layer parameter. Values may be passed as arguments or as list elements.


A named list of geom or stat parameter values, e.g. list(outlier.alpha = 0.01). This list is combined with any inputs to ...


A numerical index, e.g. 1.


A named logical vector of the same length as the number of inputs to ....


To specify a specific geom layer, either specify using position using the i index or by using a combination of geom function suffix name and i to check the ith layer that uses the geom.

The params argument accepts a list that contains geom, stat, or aes parameters. This offers flexibility in certain situations where setting a parameter on a geom_ function is actually setting a stat parameter or aes parameter. For example, in geom_histogram(binwidth = 500), the binwidth is a stat parameter, while in geom_histogram(fill = "blue"), the fill is an aes parameter. uses_geom_params will take this into account and check geom, stat, and aes parameters.

Note that uses_geom_params() can detect aes parameters, but not aes mappings. Parameters are set to static values directly within a layer (e.g. geom_point(color = "blue")), while mappings associate variables in the data with plot aesthetics using aes() (e.g. geom_point(aes(color = class))).

See also

Other functions for checking geom parameters: get_default_params()



p <- ggplot(data = diamonds, aes(x = cut, y = price)) +
  geom_boxplot(varwidth = TRUE, outlier.alpha = 0.01, fill = "blue")

  p, "boxplot", list(varwidth = TRUE, outlier.alpha = 0.01, fill = "blue")
#>      varwidth outlier.alpha          fill 
#>          TRUE          TRUE          TRUE 

  p, "boxplot", varwidth = TRUE, outlier.alpha = 0.01, fill = "blue"
#>      varwidth outlier.alpha          fill 
#>          TRUE          TRUE          TRUE 

# Unnamed arguments check that a parameter is set to any value
uses_geom_params(p, "boxplot", "fill")
#> fill