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map panes can be created by supplying a name and a zIndex to control layer ordering. We recommend a zIndex value between 400 (the default overlay pane) and 500 (the default shadow pane). You can then use this pane to render overlays (points, lines, polygons) by setting the pane argument in leafletOptions(). This will give you control over the order of the layers, e.g. points always on top of polygons. If two layers are provided to the same pane, overlay will be determined by order of adding. See examples below. See for details.

If the error "Cannot read property 'appendChild' of undefined" occurs, make sure the pane being used for used for display has already been added to the map.


addMapPane(map, name, zIndex)



A leaflet or mapview object.


The name of the new pane (refer to this in leafletOptions().


The zIndex of the pane. Panes with higher index are rendered above panes with lower indices.


rand_lng <- function(n = 10) rnorm(n, -93.65, .01)
rand_lat <- function(n = 10) rnorm(n, 42.0285, .01)

random_data <- data.frame(
  lng = rand_lng(50),
  lat = rand_lat(50),
  radius = runif(50, 50, 150),
  circleId = paste0("circle #", 1:50),
  lineId = paste0("circle #", 1:50)

# display circles (zIndex: 420) above the lines (zIndex: 410), even when added first
leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  # move the center to Snedecor Hall
  setView(-93.65, 42.0285, zoom = 14) %>%
  addMapPane("ames_lines", zIndex = 410) %>% # shown below ames_circles
  addMapPane("ames_circles", zIndex = 420) %>% # shown above ames_lines
  # points above polygons
    data = random_data, ~lng, ~lat, radius = ~radius, popup = ~circleId,
    options = pathOptions(pane = "ames_circles")
  ) %>%
  # lines in 'ames_lines' pane
    data = random_data, ~lng, ~lat, color = "#F00", weight = 20,
    options = pathOptions(pane = "ames_lines")
# same example but circles (zIndex: 420) are below the lines (zIndex: 430) leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% # move the center to Snedecor Hall setView(-93.65, 42.0285, zoom = 14) %>% addMapPane("ames_lines", zIndex = 430) %>% # shown below ames_circles addMapPane("ames_circles", zIndex = 420) %>% # shown above ames_lines # points above polygons addCircles( data = random_data, ~lng, ~lat, radius = ~radius, popup = ~circleId, options = pathOptions(pane = "ames_circles") ) %>% # lines in 'ames_lines' pane addPolylines( data = random_data, ~lng, ~lat, color = "#F00", weight = 20, options = pathOptions(pane = "ames_lines") )