Displays an iframe of the reactlog in the given application.
reactlog_module_ui(include_refresh = TRUE, id = "reactlog_module")
id = "reactlog_module",
width = "100%",
height = 600,
should the iframe refresh button be included?
shiny module id to use
HTML attributes to be applied to the reactlog iframe
parameters passed to shiny::actionButton()
State will not be preserved between refreshes.
To open the reactlog at a particular step, be sure to mark your time points
with Cmd+Shift+F3
(Windows: Ctrl+Shift+F3
if (!require("shiny")) {
message("`shiny` required to run example")
#> Loading required package: shiny
# Enable reactlog
# Define UI for app that draws a histogram ----
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h1("Pythagorean theorem"),
numericInput("a", "A", 3),
numericInput("b", "B", 4),
"C:", verbatimTextOutput("c"),
### start ui module
### end ui module
server <- function(input, output, session) {
a2 <- reactive({a <- input$a; req(a); a * a}, label = "a^2")
b2 <- reactive({b <- input$b; req(b); b * b}, label = "b^2")
c2 <- reactive({a2() + b2()}, label = "c^2")
c_val <- reactive({sqrt(c2())}, label = "c")
output$c <- renderText({
### start server module
### end server module
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)