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Create the renv project infrastructure. This will:

  • Create a project library, renv/library.

  • Install renv into the project library.

  • Update the project .Rprofile to call source("renv/activate.R") so that renv is automatically loaded for new R sessions launched in this project.

  • Create renv/.gitignore, which tells git to ignore the project library.

  • Create .Rbuildignore, if the project is also a package. This tells R CMD build to ignore the renv infrastructure,

  • Write a (bare) lockfile, renv.lock.


  project = NULL,
  version = NULL,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  settings = NULL



The project directory. If NULL, then the active project will be used. If no project is currently active, then the current working directory is used instead.


The version of renv to associate with this project. By default, the version of renv currently installed is used.


The R repositories to associate with this project.


A list of renv settings, to be applied to the project after creation. These should map setting names to the desired values. See settings for more details.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# create scaffolding with 'devtools' ignored
renv::scaffold(settings = list(ignored.packages = "devtools"))
} # }