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Call renv::snapshot() to update a lockfile with the current state of dependencies in the project library. The lockfile can be used to later restore these dependencies as required.

It's also possible to call renv::snapshot() with a non-renv project, in which case it will record the current state of dependencies in the current library paths. This makes it possible to restore the current packages, providing lightweight portability and reproducibility without isolation.

If you want to automatically snapshot after each change, you can set config$config$auto.snapshot(TRUE), see ?config for more details.


  project = NULL,
  library = NULL,
  lockfile = paths$lockfile(project = project),
  type = settings$snapshot.type(project = project),
  dev = FALSE,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  packages = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  prompt = interactive(),
  update = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  reprex = FALSE



The project directory. If NULL, then the active project will be used. If no project is currently active, then the current working directory is used instead.


Unused arguments, reserved for future expansion. If any arguments are matched to ..., renv will signal an error.


The R libraries to snapshot. When NULL, the active R libraries (as reported by .libPaths()) are used.


The location where the generated lockfile should be written. By default, the lockfile is written to a file called renv.lock in the project directory. When NULL, the lockfile (as an R object) is returned directly instead.


The type of snapshot to perform:

  • "implicit", (the default), uses all packages captured by dependencies().

  • "explicit" uses packages recorded in DESCRIPTION.

  • "all" uses all packages in the project library.

  • "custom" uses a custom filter.

See Snapshot type below for more details.


Boolean; include development dependencies? These packages are typically required when developing the project, but not when running it (i.e. you want them installed when humans are working on the project but not when computers are deploying it).

Development dependencies include packages listed in the Suggests field of a DESCRIPTION found in the project root, and roxygen2 or devtools if their use is implied by other project metadata. They also include packages used in ~/.Rprofile if config$user.profile() is TRUE.


The R repositories to be recorded in the lockfile. Defaults to the currently active package repositories, as retrieved by getOption("repos").


A vector of packages to be included in the lockfile. When NULL (the default), all packages relevant for the type of snapshot being performed will be included. When set, the type argument is ignored. Recursive dependencies of the specified packages will be added to the lockfile as well.


A vector of packages to be explicitly excluded from the lockfile. Note that transitive package dependencies will always be included, to avoid potentially creating an incomplete / non-functional lockfile.


Boolean; prompt the user before taking any action? For backwards compatibility, confirm is accepted as an alias for prompt.


Boolean; if the lockfile already exists, then attempt to update that lockfile without removing any prior package records.


Boolean; force generation of a lockfile even when pre-flight validation checks have failed?


Boolean; generate output appropriate for embedding the lockfile as part of a reprex?


The generated lockfile, as an R object (invisibly). Note that this function is normally called for its side effects.

Snapshot types

Depending on how you prefer to manage dependencies, you might prefer selecting a different snapshot mode. The modes available are as follows:


(The default) Capture only packages which appear to be used in your project, as determined by renv::dependencies(). This ensures that only the packages actually required by your project will enter the lockfile; the downside if it might be slow if your project contains a large number of files. If speed becomes an issue, you might consider using .renvignore files to limit which files renv uses for dependency discovery, or switching to explicit mode, as described next.


Only capture packages which are explicitly listed in the project DESCRIPTION file. This workflow is recommended for users who wish to manage their project's R package dependencies directly.


Capture all packages within the active R libraries in the lockfile. This is the quickest and simplest method, but may lead to undesired packages (e.g. development dependencies) entering the lockfile.


Like "implicit", but use a custom user-defined filter instead. The filter should be specified by the R option renv.snapshot.filter, and should either be a character vector naming a function (e.g. "package::method"), or be a function itself. The function should only accept one argument (the project directory), and should return a vector of package names to include in the lockfile.

You can change the snapshot type for the current project with settings(). For example, the following code will switch to using "explicit" snapshots:


When the packages argument is set, type is ignored, and instead only the requested set of packages, and their recursive dependencies, will be written to the lockfile.

See also

More on handling package dependencies()

Other reproducibility: lockfiles, restore()


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# disable automatic snapshots
auto.snapshot <- getOption("")
options( = FALSE)

# initialize a new project (with an empty R library)
renv::init(bare = TRUE)

# install digest 0.6.19

# save library state to lockfile

# remove digest from library

# check library status

# restore lockfile, thereby reinstalling digest 0.6.19

# restore automatic snapshots
options( = auto.snapshot)

} # }