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Define project-local settings that can be used to adjust the behavior of renv with your particular project.

  • Get the current value of a setting with (e.g.) settings$snapshot.type()

  • Set current value of a setting with (e.g.) settings$snapshot.type("explicit").

Settings are automatically persisted across project sessions by writing to renv/settings.json. You can also edit this file by hand, but you'll need to restart the session for those changes to take effect.


The Bioconductor version to be used with this project. Use this if you'd like to lock the version of Bioconductor used on a per-project basis. When unset, renv will try to infer the appropriate Bioconductor release using the BiocVersion package if installed; if not, renv uses BiocManager::version() to infer the appropriate Bioconductor version.


A vector of library paths, to be used in addition to the project's own private library. This can be useful if you have a package available for use in some system library, but for some reason renv is not able to install that package (e.g. sources or binaries for that package are not publicly available, or you have been unable to orchestrate the pre-requisites for installing some packages from source on your machine).


A vector of packages, which should be ignored when attempting to snapshot the project's private library. Note that if a package has already been added to the lockfile, that entry in the lockfile will not be ignored.


When explicitly installing a package with install(), what fields should be used to determine that packages dependencies? The default uses Imports, Depends and LinkingTo fields, but you also want to install Suggests dependencies for a package, you can set this to c("Imports", "Depends", "LinkingTo", "Suggests").


Enable Posit Package Manager integration in this project? When TRUE, renv will attempt to transform repository URLs used by PPM into binary URLs as appropriate for the current Linux platform. Set this to FALSE if you'd like to continue using source-only PPM URLs, or if you find that renv is improperly transforming your repository URLs. You can still set and use PPM repositories with this option disabled; it only controls whether renv tries to transform source repository URLs into binary URLs on your behalf.


When Posit Package Manager integration is enabled, renv will attempt to transform source repository URLs into binary repository URLs. This setting can be used if you'd like to avoid this transformation with some subset of repository URLs.


The version of R to encode within the lockfile. This can be set as a project-specific option if you'd like to allow multiple users to use the same renv project with different versions of R. renv will still warn the user if the major + minor version of R used in a project does not match what is encoded in the lockfile.


The type of snapshot to perform by default. See snapshot for more details.


Enable the renv package cache with this project. When active, renv will install packages into a global cache, and link packages from the cache into your renv projects as appropriate. This can greatly save on disk space and install time when for R packages which are used across multiple projects in the same environment.


Should renv attempt to manage the version control system's ignore files (e.g. .gitignore) within this project? Set this to FALSE if you'd prefer to take control. Note that if this setting is enabled, you will need to manually ensure internal data in the project's renv/ folder is explicitly ignored.


Set whether packages within a project-local package cellar are excluded from version control. See vignette("cellar", package = "renv") for more information.


Set whether the renv project library is excluded from version control.


Set whether renv project-specific local sources are excluded from version control.




A named list of renv settings.


You can change the default values of these settings for newly-created renv projects by setting R options for renv.settings or renv.settings.<name>. For example:

options(renv.settings = list(snapshot.type = "all"))
options(renv.settings.snapshot.type = "all")

If both of the renv.settings and renv.settings.<name> options are set for a particular key, the option associated with renv.settings.<name> is used instead. We recommend setting these in an appropriate startup profile, e.g. ~/.Rprofile or similar.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# view currently-ignored packaged

# ignore a set of packages
renv::settings$ignored.packages("devtools", persist = FALSE)

} # }