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Compute the system requirements (system libraries; operating system packages) required by a set of R packages.


  packages = NULL,
  local = FALSE,
  check = NULL,
  report = TRUE,
  distro = NULL,
  collapse = FALSE,
  project = NULL



A vector of R package names. When NULL (the default), the project's package dependencies as reported via dependencies() are used.


Unused arguments, reserved for future expansion. If any arguments are matched to ..., renv will signal an error.


Boolean; should renv rely on locally-installed copies of packages when resolving system requirements? When FALSE, renv will use to resolve the system requirements for these packages.


Boolean; should renv also check whether the requires system packages appear to be installed on the current system?


Boolean; should renv also report the commands which could be used to install all of the requisite package dependencies?


The name of the Linux distribution for which system requirements should be checked – typical values are "ubuntu", "debian", and "redhat". These should match the distribution names used by the R system requirements database.


Boolean; when reporting which packages need to be installed, should the report be collapsed into a single installation command? When FALSE (the default), a separate installation line is printed for each required system package.


The project directory. If NULL, then the active project will be used. If no project is currently active, then the current working directory is used instead.


This function relies on the database of package system requirements maintained by Posit at, as well as the "meta-CRAN" service at This service primarily exists to map the (free-form) SystemRequirements field used by R packages to the system packages made available by a particular operating system.

As an example, the curl R package depends on the libcurl system library, and declares this with a SystemRequirements field of the form:

  • libcurl (>= 7.62): libcurl-devel (rpm) or libcurl4-openssl-dev (deb)

This dependency can be satisfied with the following command line invocations on different systems:

  • Debian: sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev

  • Redhat: sudo dnf install libcurl-devel

and so sysreqs("curl") would help provide the name of the package whose installation would satisfy the libcurl dependency.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# report the required system packages for this system

# report the required system packages for a specific OS
sysreqs(platform = "ubuntu")

} # }