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Given a set of R package requirements, install those packages into the library path requested via library, and then activate that library path.


  lockfile = NULL,
  library = NULL,
  isolate = FALSE,
  sandbox = TRUE,
  attach = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



The R packages to be used with this script. Ignored if lockfile is non-NULL.


The lockfile to use. When supplied, renv will use the packages as declared in the lockfile.


The library path into which the requested packages should be installed. When NULL (the default), a library path within the R temporary directory will be generated and used. Note that this same library path will be re-used on future calls to renv::use(), allowing renv::use() to be used multiple times within a single script.


Boolean; should the active library paths be included in the set of library paths activated for this script? Set this to TRUE if you only want the packages provided to renv::use() to be visible on the library paths.


Should the system library be sandboxed? See the sandbox documentation in config for more details. You can also provide an explicit sandbox path if you want to configure where renv::use() generates its sandbox. By default, the sandbox is generated within the R temporary directory.


Boolean; should the set of requested packages be automatically attached? If TRUE, packages will be loaded and attached via a call to library() after install. Ignored if lockfile is non-NULL.


Boolean; be verbose while installing packages?


This function is normally called for its side effects.


renv::use() is intended to be used within standalone R scripts. It can be useful when you'd like to specify an R script's dependencies directly within that script, and have those packages automatically installed and loaded when the associated script is run. In this way, an R script can more easily be shared and re-run with the exact package versions requested via use().

renv::use() is inspired in part by the groundhog package, which also allows one to specify a script's R package requirements within that same R script.