py_require() allows you to declare Python requirements for the R session, including Python packages, any version constraints on those packages, and any version constraints on Python itself. Reticulate can then automatically create and use an ephemeral Python environment that satisfies all these requirements.

  packages = NULL,
  python_version = NULL,
  exclude_newer = NULL,
  action = c("add", "remove", "set")



A character vector of Python packages to be available during the session. These can be simple package names like "jax" or names with version constraints like "jax[cpu]>=0.5". Pip style syntax for installing from local files or a git repository is also supported (see details).


A character vector of Python version constraints
(e.g., "3.10" or ">=3.9,<3.13").


Reserved for future extensions; must be empty.


Limit package versions to those published before a specified date. This offers a lightweight alternative to freezing package versions, helping guard against Python package updates that break a workflow. Accepts strings formatted as RFC 3339 timestamps (e.g., "2006-12-02T02:07:43Z") and local dates in the same format (e.g., "2006-12-02") in your system's configured time zone. Once exclude_newer is set, only the set action can override it.


Determines how py_require() processes the provided requirements. Options are:

  • "add" (the default): Adds the entries to the current set of requirements.

  • "remove": Removes exact matches from the requirements list. Requests to remove nonexistent entries are ignored. For example, if "numpy==2.2.2" is in the list, passing "numpy" with action="remove" will not remove it.

  • "set": Clears all existing requirements and replaces them with the provided ones. Packages and the Python version can be set independently.


py_require() is primarily called for its side effect of modifying the manifest of "Python requirements" for the current R session that reticulate maintains internally. py_require() usually returns NULL invisibly. If py_require() is called with no arguments, it returns the current manifest–a list with names packages, python_version, and exclude_newer. The list also has a class attribute, to provide a print method.


Reticulate will only use an ephemeral environment if no other Python installation is found earlier in the Order of Discovery. You can also force reticulate to use an ephemeral environment by setting Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON="managed"), or you can disable reticulate from using an ephemeral environment by setting Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_USE_MANAGED_VENV="no").

The ephemeral virtual environment is not created until the user interacts with Python for the first time in the R session, typically when import() is first called.

If py_require() is called with new requirements after reticulate has already initialized an ephemeral Python environment, a new ephemeral environment is activated on top of the existing one. Once Python is initialized, only adding packages is supported—removing packages, changing the Python version, or modifying exclude_newer is not possible.

Calling py_require() without arguments returns a list of the currently declared requirements.

R packages can also call py_require() (e.g., in .onLoad() or elsewhere) to declare Python dependencies. The print method for py_require() displays the Python dependencies declared by R packages in the current session.


Reticulate uses uv to resolve Python dependencies. Many uv options can be customized via environment variables, as described here. For example:

  • If temporarily offline, to resolve packages from cache without checking for updates, set:
    Sys.setenv(UV_OFFLINE = "1").

  • To use an additional package index:
    Sys.setenv(UV_INDEX = "").
    (To add multiple additional indexes, UV_INDEX can be a list of space-separated urls).

  • To change the default package index:
    Sys.setenv(UV_DEFAULT_INDEX = "")

  • To allow resolving a prerelease dependency:
    Sys.setenv(UV_PRERELEASE = "allow").

  • To force uv to create ephemeral environments using the system python:
    Sys.setenv(UV_PYTHON_PREFERENCE = "only-system")

For more advanced customization needs, there’s also the option to configure uv with a user-level or system-level uv.toml file.

Installing from alternate sources

The packages argument also supports declaring a dependency from a Git repository or a local file. Below are some examples of valid packages strings:

  • Install Ruff from a specific Git tag:


  • Install Ruff from a specific Git commit:


  • Install Ruff from a specific Git branch:


  • Install MarkItDown from the main branch—find the package in the subdirectory 'packages/markitdown':


  • Install MarkItDown from the local filesystem by providing an absolute path to a directory containing a pyproject.toml or file:


See more examples here and here.

Clearing the Cache

If uv is already installed on your machine, reticulate will use the existing uv installation as-is, including its default cache dir location. To clear the caches of a self-managed uv installation, send the following system commands to uv:

uv cache clean
rm -r "$(uv python dir)"
rm -r "$(uv tool dir)"

If an existing installation of uv is not found, reticulate will automatically download and store it, along with other downloaded artifacts and ephemeral environments, in the tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "cache") directory. To clear this cache, delete the directory:

# delete uv, ephemeral virtual environments, and all downloaded artifacts
unlink(tools::R_user_dir("reticulate", "cache"), recursive = TRUE)