Joe Cheng. Author.
JJ Allaire. Author.
Yihui Xie. Author.
Jeff Allen. Author.
Jonathan McPherson. Author.
Alan Dipert. Author.
Barbara Borges. Author.
Posit Software, PBC. Copyright holder, funder.
jQuery Foundation. Copyright holder.
jQuery library and jQuery UI library
jQuery contributors. Contributor, copyright holder.
jQuery library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt
jQuery UI contributors. Contributor, copyright holder.
jQuery UI library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt
Mark Otto. Contributor.
Bootstrap library
Jacob Thornton. Contributor.
Bootstrap library
Bootstrap contributors. Contributor.
Bootstrap library
Twitter, Inc. Copyright holder.
Bootstrap library
Prem Nawaz Khan. Contributor.
Bootstrap accessibility plugin
Victor Tsaran. Contributor.
Bootstrap accessibility plugin
Dennis Lembree. Contributor.
Bootstrap accessibility plugin
Srinivasu Chakravarthula. Contributor.
Bootstrap accessibility plugin
Cathy O'Connor. Contributor.
Bootstrap accessibility plugin
PayPal, Inc. Copyright holder.
Bootstrap accessibility plugin
Stefan Petre. Contributor, copyright holder.
Bootstrap-datepicker library
Andrew Rowls. Contributor, copyright holder.
Bootstrap-datepicker library
Brian Reavis. Contributor, copyright holder.
selectize.js library
Salmen Bejaoui. Contributor, copyright holder.
selectize-plugin-a11y library
Denis Ineshin. Contributor, copyright holder.
ion.rangeSlider library
Sami Samhuri. Contributor, copyright holder.
Javascript strftime library
SpryMedia Limited. Contributor, copyright holder.
DataTables library
John Fraser. Contributor, copyright holder.
showdown.js library
John Gruber. Contributor, copyright holder.
showdown.js library
Ivan Sagalaev. Contributor, copyright holder.
highlight.js library
R Core Team. Contributor, copyright holder.
tar implementation from R
Chang W, Cheng J, Allaire J, Sievert C, Schloerke B, Xie Y, Allen J, McPherson J, Dipert A, Borges B (2025). shiny: Web Application Framework for R. R package version,,
@Manual{, title = {shiny: Web Application Framework for R}, author = {Winston Chang and Joe Cheng and JJ Allaire and Carson Sievert and Barret Schloerke and Yihui Xie and Jeff Allen and Jonathan McPherson and Alan Dipert and Barbara Borges}, year = {2025}, note = {R package version,}, url = {}, }