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This function downloads and sets up a specific version of Chrome, using the Google Chrome for Testing builds for chrome, chrome-headless-shell or chromedriver for use with chromote.

Managed Chrome installations is an experimental feature introduced in chromote v0.5.0 and was inspired by similar features in playwright.


  version = "latest-stable",
  binary = c("chrome", "chrome-headless-shell", "chromedriver"),
  platform = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE

  version = "latest-stable",
  binary = c("chrome", "chrome-headless-shell", "chromedriver"),
  platform = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,
  .local_envir = parent.frame()

local_chromote_chrome(path, ..., .local_envir = parent.frame())

with_chromote_chrome(path, code, ...)



A character string specifying the version to use. The default value is "latest-stable" to follow the latest stable release of Chrome. For robust results, and to avoid frequently downloading new versions of Chrome, use a fully qualified version number, e.g. "133.0.6943.141".

If you specify a partial version, e.g. "133", chromote will find the most recent release matching that version, preferring to use the latest installed release that matches the partially-specified version. chromote also supports a few special version names:

  • "latest-installed": The latest version currently installed locally in chromote's cache. If you don't have any installed versions of the binary, chromote uses "latest".

  • "latest": The most recent Chrome for Testing release, which may be a beta or canary release.

  • "latest-stable", "latest-beta", "latest-extended", "latest-canary" or "latest-dev": Installs the latest release from one of Chrome's version channels, queried from the VersionHistory API. "latest-stable" is the default value of with_chrome_version() and local_chrome_version().

  • "system": Use the system-wide installation of Chrome.

Chromote also supports


Code to execute in the temporary environment


Ignored, used to require named arguments and for future feature expansion.


A character string specifying which binary to use. Must be one of "chrome", "chrome-headless-shell", or "chromedriver". Default is "chrome".


A character string specifying the platform. If NULL (default), the platform will be automatically detected.


Whether to print a message indicating which version and binary of Chrome is being used. By default, this message is suppressed for with_chrome_version() and enabled for local_chrome_version().


The environment to use for scoping.


A direct path to the Chrome (or Chrome-based) binary. See find_chrome() for details or chrome_versions_path() for paths from the chromote-managed cache.


Temporarily sets the CHROMOTE_CHROME environment variable and returns the result of the code argument.


This function downloads the specified binary, if not already available and configures find_chrome() to use the specified binary while evaluating code or within the local scope. It uses the "known-good-versions" list from the Google Chrome for Testing versions at


  • with_chrome_version(): Temporarily use a specific version of Chrome during the evaluation of code.

  • local_chrome_version(): Use a specific version of Chrome within the current scope.

  • local_chromote_chrome(): Use a specific Chrome, by path, within the current scope.

  • with_chromote_chrome(): Temporarily use a specific Chrome version, by path, for the evaluation of code.


if (FALSE) { # rlang::is_interactive()
# Use the latest version of Chrome

# Use a specific version of chrome-headless-shell
local_chrome_version("114.0.5735.90", binary = "chrome-headless-shell")