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hydrate() installs missing packages from a user library into the project library. hydrate() is called automatically by init(), and it is rare that you should need it otherwise, as it can easily get your project into an inconsistent state.

It may very occasionally be useful to call hydrate(update = "all") if you want to update project packages to match those installed in your global library (as opposed to using update() which will get the latest versions from CRAN). In this case, you should verify that your code continues to work, then call snapshot() to record updated package versions in the lockfile.


  packages = NULL,
  library = NULL,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  update = FALSE,
  sources = NULL,
  prompt = interactive(),
  report = TRUE,
  project = NULL



The set of R packages to install. When NULL, the packages found by dependencies() are used.


Unused arguments, reserved for future expansion. If any arguments are matched to ..., renv will signal an error.


The R library to be hydrated. When NULL, the active library as reported by .libPaths() is used.


The R repositories to be used. If the project depends on any R packages which cannot be found within the user library paths, then those packages will be installed from these repositories instead.


Boolean; should hydrate() attempt to update already-installed packages if the requested package is already installed in the project library? Set this to "all" if you'd like all packages to be refreshed from the source library if possible.


A vector of library paths where renv should look for packages. When NULL (the default), hydrate() will look in the system libraries (the user library, the site library and the default library) then the renv cache.

If a package is not found in any of these locations, hydrate() will try to install it from the active R repositories.


Boolean; prompt the user before taking any action? Ignored when report = FALSE.


Boolean; display a report of what packages will be installed by renv::hydrate()?


The project directory. If NULL, then the active project will be used. If no project is currently active, then the current working directory is used instead.


A named R list, giving the packages that were used for hydration as well as the set of packages which were not found.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# hydrate the active library

} # }