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Associate a version of Python with your project.


  python = NULL,
  type = c("auto", "virtualenv", "conda", "system"),
  name = NULL,
  project = NULL



The path to the version of Python to be used with this project. See Finding Python for more details.


Optional arguments; currently unused.


The type of Python environment to use. When "auto" (the default), virtual environments will be used.


The name or path that should be used for the associated Python environment. If NULL and python points to a Python executable living within a pre-existing virtual environment, that environment will be used. Otherwise, a project-local environment will be created instead, using a name generated from the associated version of Python.


The project directory. If NULL, then the active project will be used. If no project is currently active, then the current working directory is used instead.


TRUE, indicating that the requested version of Python has been successfully activated. Note that this function is normally called for its side effects.


When Python integration is active, renv will:

  • Save metadata about the requested version of Python in renv.lock – in particular, the Python version, and the Python type ("virtualenv", "conda", "system"),

  • Capture the set of installed Python packages during renv::snapshot(),

  • Re-install the set of recorded Python packages during renv::restore().

In addition, when the project is loaded, the following actions will be taken:

  • The RENV_PYTHON environment variable will be set, indicating the version of Python currently active for this sessions,

  • The RETICULATE_PYTHON environment variable will be set, so that the reticulate package can automatically use the requested copy of Python as appropriate,

  • The requested version of Python will be placed on the PATH, so that attempts to invoke Python will resolve to the expected version of Python.

You can override the version of Python used in a particular project by setting the RENV_PYTHON environment variable; e.g. as part of the project's .Renviron file. This can be useful if you find that renv is unable to automatically discover a compatible version of Python to be used in the project.

Finding Python

In interactive sessions, when python = NULL, renv will prompt for an appropriate version of Python. renv will search a pre-defined set of locations when attempting to find Python installations on the system:

  • getOption("renv.python.root"),

  • /opt/python,

  • /opt/local/python,

  • ~/opt/python,

  • /usr/local/opt (for macOS Homebrew-installed copies of Python),

  • /opt/homebrew/opt (for M1 macOS Homebrew-installed copies of Python),

  • ~/.pyenv/versions,

  • Python instances available on the PATH.

In non-interactive sessions, renv will first check the RETICULATE_PYTHON environment variable; if that is unset, renv will look for Python on the PATH. It is recommended that the version of Python to be used is explicitly supplied for non-interactive usages of use_python().


We strongly recommend using Python virtual environments, for a few reasons:

  1. If something goes wrong with a local virtual environment, you can safely delete that virtual environment, and then re-initialize it later, without worry that doing so might impact other software on your system.

  2. If you choose to use a "system" installation of Python, then any packages you install or upgrade will be visible to any other application that wants to use that same Python installation. Using a virtual environment ensures that any changes made are isolated to that environment only.

  3. Choosing to use Anaconda will likely invite extra frustration in the future, as you may be required to upgrade and manage your Anaconda installation as new versions of Anaconda are released. In addition, Anaconda installations tend to work poorly with software not specifically installed as part of that same Anaconda installation.

In other words, we recommend selecting "system" or "conda" only if you are an expert Python user who is already accustomed to managing Python / Anaconda installations on your own.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# use python with a project

# use python with a project; create the environment
# within the project directory in the '.venv' folder
renv::use_python(name = ".venv")

# use python with a pre-existing virtual environment located elsewhere
renv::use_python(name = "~/.virtualenvs/env")

# use virtualenv python with a project
renv::use_python(type = "virtualenv")

# use conda python with a project
renv::use_python(type = "conda")

} # }