Run a Command Line Tool distributed as a Python package. Packages are automatically download and installed into a cached, ephemeral, and isolated environment on the first run.

  args = character(),
  from = NULL,
  with = NULL,
  python_version = NULL,
  exclude_newer = NULL


tool, args

A character vector of command and arguments. Arguments are not quoted for the shell, so you may need to use shQuote().


Arguments passed on to base::system2


where output to stdout or stderr should be sent. Possible values are "", to the R console (the default), NULL or FALSE (discard output), TRUE (capture the output in a character vector) or a character string naming a file.


should input be diverted? "" means the default, alternatively a character string naming a file. Ignored if input is supplied.


if a character vector is supplied, this is copied one string per line to a temporary file, and the standard input of command is redirected to the file.


character vector of name=value strings to set environment variables.


a logical (not NA) indicating whether the R interpreter should wait for the command to finish, or run it asynchronously. This will be ignored (and the interpreter will always wait) if stdout = TRUE or stderr = TRUE. When running the command asynchronously, no output will be displayed on the Rgui console in Windows (it will be dropped, instead).


timeout in seconds, ignored if 0. This is a limit for the elapsed time running command in a separate process. Fractions of seconds are ignored.


a logical (not NA) indicating whether the command should receive events from the terminal/console that R runs from, particularly whether it should be interrupted by Ctrl-C. This will be ignored and events will always be received when intern = TRUE or wait = TRUE.


arguments that are accepted on Windows but ignored on this platform, with a warning.


Use the given Python package to provide the command.


Run with the given Python packages installed. You can also specify version constraints like "ruff>=0.3.0".


A Python version string, or character vector of Python version constraints.


String. Limit package versions to those published before a specified date. This offers a lightweight alternative to freezing package versions, helping guard against Python package updates that break a workflow. Accepts strings formatted as RFC 3339 timestamps (e.g., "2006-12-02T02:07:43Z") and local dates in the same format (e.g., "2006-12-02") in your system's configured time zone.


Return value of system2()



uv_run_tool("pycowsay", shQuote("hello from reticulate"))
uv_run_tool("markitdown", shQuote(file.path(R.home("doc"), "NEWS.pdf")), stdout = TRUE)
uv_run_tool("kaggle competitions download -c dogs-vs-cats")
uv_run_tool("ruff", "--help")
uv_run_tool("ruff format", shQuote(Sys.glob("**.py")))
uv_run_tool("http", from = "httpie")
uv_run_tool("http", "--version", from = "httpie<3.2.4", stdout = TRUE)
uv_run_tool("saved_model_cli", "--help", from = "tensorflow")