Launch test event recorder for a Shiny app

  app = ".",
  save_dir = NULL,
  load_mode = FALSE,
  seed = NULL,
  loadTimeout = 10000,
  debug = "shiny_console",
  shinyOptions = list()



A ShinyDriver() object, or path to a Shiny application.


A directory to save stuff.


A boolean that determines whether or not the resulting test script should be appropriate for load testing.


A random seed to set before running the app. This seed will also be used in the test script.


Maximum time to wait for the Shiny application to load, in milliseconds. If a value is provided, it will be saved in the test script.


start the underlying ShinyDriver() in debug mode and print those debug logs to the R console once recording is finished. The default, 'shiny_console', captures and prints R console output from the recorded R shiny process. Any value that the debug argument in ShinyDriver() accepts may be used (e.g., 'none' may be used to completely suppress the driver logs).


A list of options to pass to runApp(). If a value is provided, it will be saved in the test script.