Release notes

For full details, view the commit logs.


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • MAINT: refactor tests in GH209
  • DOCS: Update link to custom handlers documentation in GH208
  • ENH: add Field examples to model prototypes in GH210


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • MAINT: drop Python 3.7 support in GH199
  • MAINT: Conda mode deprecated from rsconnect-python pkg in GH197
  • MAINT: bump minimum rsconnect to 1.11.0 in GH200
  • BUG: remove trailing backslash in GH201
  • DOCS: deploying custom elements in GH195
  • FEAT: quarto monitoring dashboard template in GH203
  • BUG: ignore more in pyright in GH204
  • ENH: load dotenv file into generated file in GH205


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • ENH: add root_path if user in Posit Workbench in GH191


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • DOCS: add square logo in GH173
  • DOCS: add API structure documentation in GH176
  • DOCS: update docs to look less like in GH178
  • BUG: remove all in init in GH182
  • MAINT: require no less than pins 0.7.1 in GH183
  • ENH: endpoint_fx docstring as FastAPI description in GH179
  • MAINT: Update Pydantic usage for v2 compatibility in GH185
  • MAINT: Update model_card.qmd by in GH186
  • ENH: add /GET prototype endpoint in GH174
  • BUG: use max instead of first in GH189


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • DOC: add changelog in GH151
  • FIX: None type handling for python_version in metadata GH149vetiver-python/pull/149
  • Match GHA Python versions to Connect GH157
  • DOCS: move from sphinx to quartodoc GH153
  • BUG,CI: /latest not rendering correctly GH158
  • MAINT: spring cleaning GH160
  • DOCS: Add netlify docs preview GH163
  • MAINT: spring cleaning GH164
  • ENH: Refactor server handling GH155
  • FEAT: add required packages to authorize pins boards GH166pull/166
  • MAINT: start typing vetiver GH168
  • FEAT: add new /metadata GET endpoint GH170
  • FEAT: implement spacy models GH143


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • DOC: Added missing model_name to VetiverModel in GH128
  • BUG, MAINT: Catch non 200 codes in GH129
  • DOC: fix deploy_rsconnect example in GH1234
  • ENH: Make vetiver_post extensible for all endpoints in GH130
  • TEST: ci testing to run generated dockerfile in GH136
  • MAINT: rsconnect-python>=1.8.0 in GH132
  • ENH: New prepare_docker function in GH137
  • DOC: refresh README and add to docs in GH141
  • TEST: Update weekly tests: only run necessary tests in GH142
  • MAINT: update ptype_data to prototype_data in GH138
  • ENH: Refactor metadata in GH126
  • MAINT: remove stars for explicit imports in GH145
  • DOC: Changing language from “Example” to “Examples” for docstrings in GH146
  • ENH: Added Python version to vetiver_pin_write in GH127


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • TEST: pins<>vetiver compatibility test in GH113
  • TEST: Update weekly tests to include rsconnect-python in GH117
  • DOC: Missing whitespace in InvalidModelError in GH120
  • MAINT: Remove xfail from test_rsconnect in GH119
  • MAINT: Add httpx in GH125
  • ENH: Add pin URL to REST API and metadata in GH123


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • ENH, DOC: have stable and latest docs in GH93
  • BUG: bug fix for load_pkgs function on Windows OS in GH98
  • MAINT: Update in GH99
  • ENH: implement statsmodels handler in GH100
  • FEAT: xgboost handler in GH101
  • ENH: adding model card template in GH106
  • BUG: refactor pseudo version to pin_url in model card in GH107
  • DOC: adding docs, small refactoring in GH108
  • ENH, DOC: add examples to docstrings in GH109


What’s Changed

Full Changelog

  • ENH: add rsconnect_deploy support for board_folder in GH77
  • ENH: model monitoring in GH76
  • DOC: add mini chicago dataset in GH81
  • MAINT: remove trailing slashes in API paths GH
  • ENH: explicitly add n to hover data in plot_metrics in GH84
  • ENH: initial vetiver_pin_metrics implementation in GH82
  • MAINT, ENH: Use setuptools_scm for tagged versioning in GH86
  • ENH: handlers to register themselves in GH87
  • BUG: coerce date var to datetime in GH89