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These three functions can be used for model monitoring (such as in a monitoring dashboard):

  • vetiver_compute_metrics() computes metrics (such as accuracy for a classification model or RMSE for a regression model) at a chosen time aggregation period

  • vetiver_pin_metrics() updates an existing pin storing model metrics over time

  • vetiver_plot_metrics() creates a plot of metrics over time


  .index = .index,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  type = NULL,



A pin board, created by board_folder(), board_connect(), board_url() or another board_ function.


A tidy dataframe of metrics over time, such as created by vetiver_compute_metrics().


Pin name for where the metrics are stored (as opposed to where the model object is stored with vetiver_pin_write()).


The variable in df_metrics containing the aggregated dates or date-times (from time_var in data). Defaults to .index.


If FALSE (the default), error when the new metrics contain overlapping dates with the existing pin.If TRUE, overwrite any metrics for dates that exist both in the existing pin and new metrics with the new values.


File type used to save metrics to disk. With the default NULL, uses the type of the existing pin. Options are "rds" and "arrow".


Additional arguments passed on to methods for a specific board.


A dataframe of metrics.


Sometimes when you monitor a model at a given time aggregation, you may end up with dates in your new metrics (like new_metrics in the example) that are the same as dates in your existing aggregated metrics (like original_metrics in the example). This can happen if you need to re-run a monitoring report because something failed. With overwrite = FALSE (the default), vetiver_pin_metrics() will error when there are overlapping dates. With overwrite = TRUE, vetiver_pin_metrics() will replace such metrics with the new values. You probably want FALSE for interactive use and TRUE for dashboards or reports that run on a schedule.

You can initially create your pin with type = "arrow" or the default (type = "rds"). vetiver_pin_metrics() will update the pin using the same type by default.


data(Chicago, package = "modeldata")
Chicago <- Chicago %>% select(ridership, date, all_of(stations))
training_data <- Chicago %>% filter(date < "2009-01-01")
testing_data <- Chicago %>% filter(date >= "2009-01-01", date < "2011-01-01")
monitoring <- Chicago %>% filter(date >= "2011-01-01", date < "2012-12-31")
lm_fit <- linear_reg() %>% fit(ridership ~ ., data = training_data)

b <- board_temp()

## before starting monitoring, initiate the metrics and pin
## (for example, with the testing data):
original_metrics <-
    augment(lm_fit, new_data = testing_data) %>%
    vetiver_compute_metrics(date, "week", ridership, .pred, every = 4L)
pin_write(b, original_metrics, "lm_fit_metrics", type = "arrow")
#> Creating new version '20241009T170842Z-4eb11'
#> Writing to pin 'lm_fit_metrics'

## to continue monitoring with new data, compute metrics and update pin:
new_metrics <-
    augment(lm_fit, new_data = monitoring) %>%
    vetiver_compute_metrics(date, "week", ridership, .pred, every = 4L)
vetiver_pin_metrics(b, new_metrics, "lm_fit_metrics")
#> Replacing version '20241009T170842Z-4eb11' with '20241009T170843Z-bd441'
#> Writing to pin 'lm_fit_metrics'
#> # A tibble: 162 × 5
#>    .index        .n .metric .estimator .estimate
#>    <date>     <int> <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
#>  1 2009-01-01     7 rmse    standard       6.78 
#>  2 2009-01-01     7 rsq     standard       0.154
#>  3 2009-01-01     7 mae     standard       5.25 
#>  4 2009-01-08    28 rmse    standard       4.61 
#>  5 2009-01-08    28 rsq     standard       0.576
#>  6 2009-01-08    28 mae     standard       2.98 
#>  7 2009-02-05    28 rmse    standard       1.90 
#>  8 2009-02-05    28 rsq     standard       0.916
#>  9 2009-02-05    28 mae     standard       1.17 
#> 10 2009-03-05    28 rmse    standard       1.24 
#> # ℹ 152 more rows