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After creating a Plumber file with vetiver_write_plumber(), use vetiver_write_docker() to create a Dockerfile plus a vetiver_renv.lock file for a pinned vetiver_model().


  plumber_file = "plumber.R",
  path = ".",
  lockfile = "vetiver_renv.lock",
  rspm = TRUE,
  base_image = glue::glue("FROM rocker/r-ver:{getRversion()}"),
  port = 8000,
  expose = TRUE,
  additional_pkgs = character(0)



A deployable vetiver_model() object


A path for your Plumber file, created via vetiver_write_plumber(). Defaults to plumber.R in the working directory.


A path to write the Dockerfile and lockfile, capturing the model's package dependencies. Defaults to the working directory.


Not currently used.


The generated lockfile in path. Defaults to "vetiver_renv.lock".


A logical to use the RStudio Public Package Manager for renv::restore() in the Docker image. Defaults to TRUE.


The base Docker image to start with. Defaults to rocker/r-ver for the version of R you are working with, but models like keras will require a different base image.


The server port for listening: a number such as 8080 or an expression like 'as.numeric(Sys.getenv("PORT"))' when the port is injected as an environment variable.


Add EXPOSE to the Dockerfile? This is helpful for using Docker Desktop but does not work with an expression for port.


A character vector of additional package names to add to the Docker image. For example, some boards like pins::board_s3() require additional software; you can use required_pkgs(board) here.


The content of the Dockerfile, invisibly.


tmp_plumber <- tempfile()
b <- board_temp(versioned = TRUE)
cars_lm <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)
v <- vetiver_model(cars_lm, "cars_linear")
vetiver_pin_write(b, v)
#> Creating new version '20241009T170847Z-7301a'
#> Writing to pin 'cars_linear'
vetiver_write_plumber(b, "cars_linear", file = tmp_plumber)

## default port
vetiver_write_docker(v, tmp_plumber, tempdir())
#> The following required packages are not installed:
#> - cpp11  [required by lobstr, readr, tzdb, and 1 other]
#> Consider reinstalling these packages before snapshotting the lockfile.
#> - The lockfile is already up to date.
## install more pkgs, like those required to access board
vetiver_write_docker(v, tmp_plumber, tempdir(),
                     additional_pkgs = required_pkgs(b))
#> The following required packages are not installed:
#> - cpp11  [required by lobstr, readr, tzdb, and 1 other]
#> Consider reinstalling these packages before snapshotting the lockfile.
#> - The lockfile is already up to date.
## port from env variable
vetiver_write_docker(v, tmp_plumber, tempdir(),
                     port = 'as.numeric(Sys.getenv("PORT"))',
                     expose = FALSE)
#> The following required packages are not installed:
#> - cpp11  [required by lobstr, readr, tzdb, and 1 other]
#> Consider reinstalling these packages before snapshotting the lockfile.
#> - The lockfile is already up to date.