Acknowledgements ¶
Next: Introduction, Previous: R Data Import/Export, Up: R Data Import/Export [Contents][Index]
The relational databases part of this manual is based in part on an earlier manual by Douglas Bates and Saikat DebRoy. The principal author of this manual was Brian Ripley.
Many volunteers have contributed to the packages used here. The principal authors of the packages mentioned are
- DBI:
David A. James
- dataframes2xls:
Guido van Steen
- foreign:
Thomas Lumley, Saikat DebRoy, Douglas Bates, Duncan Murdoch and Roger Bivand
- gdata:
Gregory R. Warnes
- ncdf4:
David Pierce
- rJava:
Simon Urbanek
Simon Urbanek
David James and Saikat DebRoy
- RNetCDF:
Pavel Michna
Michael Lapsley and Brian Ripley
- ROracle:
David A. James
- RPostgreSQL:
Sameer Kumar Prayaga and Tomoaki Nishiyama
- RSPerl:
Duncan Temple Lang
- RSPython:
Duncan Temple Lang
- RSQLite:
David A. James
- SJava:
John Chambers and Duncan Temple Lang
- WriteXLS:
Marc Schwartz
- XLConnect:
Mirai Solutions GmbH
- XML:
Duncan Temple Lang
Brian Ripley is the author of the support for connections.
Next: Introduction, Previous: R Data Import/Export, Up: R Data Import/Export [Contents][Index]