7  Connections

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Connections are used in R in the sense of Chambers (1998) and Ripley (2001), a set of functions to replace the use of file names by a flexible interface to file-like objects.

7.1 Types of connections

The most familiar type of connection will be a file, and file connections are created by function file. File connections can (if the OS will allow it for the particular file) be opened for reading or writing or appending, in text or binary mode. In fact, files can be opened for both reading and writing, and R keeps a separate file position for reading and writing.

Note that by default a connection is not opened when it is created. The rule is that a function using a connection should open a connection (needed) if the connection is not already open, and close a connection after use if it opened it. In brief, leave the connection in the state you found it in. There are generic functions open and close with methods to explicitly open and close connections.

Files compressed via the algorithm used by gzip can be used as connections created by the function gzfile, whereas files compressed by bzip2 can be used via bzfile.

Unix programmers are used to dealing with special files stdin, stdout and stderr. These exist as terminal connections in R. They may be normal files, but they might also refer to input from and output to a GUI console. (Even with the standard Unix R interface, stdin refers to the lines submitted from readline rather than a file.)

The three terminal connections are always open, and cannot be opened or closed. stdout and stderr are conventionally used for normal output and error messages respectively. They may normally go to the same place, but whereas normal output can be re-directed by a call to sink, error output is sent to stderr unless re-directed by sink, type="message"). Note carefully the language used here: the connections cannot be re-directed, but output can be sent to other connections.

Text connections are another source of input. They allow R character vectors to be read as if the lines were being read from a text file. A text connection is created and opened by a call to textConnection, which copies the current contents of the character vector to an internal buffer at the time of creation.

Text connections can also be used to capture R output to a character vector. textConnection can be asked to create a new character object or append to an existing one, in both cases in the user’s workspace. The connection is opened by the call to textConnection, and at all times the complete lines output to the connection are available in the R object. Closing the connection writes any remaining output to a final element of the character vector.

Pipes are a special form of file that connects to another process, and pipe connections are created by the function pipe. Opening a pipe connection for writing (it makes no sense to append to a pipe) runs an OS command, and connects its standard input to whatever R then writes to that connection. Conversely, opening a pipe connection for input runs an OS command and makes its standard output available for R input from that connection.

URLs of types http://‘, https://’, ftp://’ and file://’ can be read from using the function url. For convenience, file will also accept these as the file specification and call url.

Sockets can also be used as connections via function socketConnection on platforms which support Berkeley-like sockets (most Unix systems, Linux and Windows). Sockets can be written to or read from, and both client and server sockets can be used.

7.2 Output to connections

We have described functions cat, write, write.table and sink as writing to a file, possibly appending to a file if argument append = TRUE, and this is what they did prior to R version 1.2.0.

The current behaviour is equivalent, but what actually happens is that when the file argument is a character string, a file connection is opened (for writing or appending) and closed again at the end of the function call. If we want to repeatedly write to the same file, it is more efficient to explicitly declare and open the connection, and pass the connection object to each call to an output function. This also makes it possible to write to pipes, which was implemented earlier in a limited way via the syntax file = "|cmd" (which can still be used).

There is a function writeLines to write complete text lines to a connection.

Some simple examples are

zz <- file("ex.data", "w")  # open an output file connection
cat("TITLE extra line", "2 3 5 7", "", "11 13 17", 
    file = zz, sep = "\n")
cat("One more line\n", file = zz)

## convert decimal point to comma in output, using a pipe (Unix)
## both R strings and (probably) the shell need \ doubled
zz <- pipe(paste("sed s/\\\\./,/ >", "outfile"), "w")
cat(format(round(rnorm(100), 4)), sep = "\n", file = zz)
## now look at the output file:
file.show("outfile", delete.file = TRUE)

## capture R output: use examples from help(lm)
zz <- textConnection("ex.lm.out", "w")
example(lm, prompt.echo = "> ")
## now `ex.lm.out' contains the output for further processing.
## Look at it by, e.g.,
cat(ex.lm.out, sep = "\n")

7.3 Input from connections

The basic functions to read from connections are scan and readLines. These take a character string argument and open a file connection for the duration of the function call, but explicitly opening a file connection allows a file to be read sequentially in different formats.

Other functions that call scan can also make use of connections, in particular read.table.

Some simple examples are

## read in file created in last examples

## read listing of current directory (Unix)
readLines(pipe("ls -1"))

# remove trailing commas from an input file.
# Suppose we are given a file `data' containing
450, 390, 467, 654,  30, 542, 334, 432, 421,
357, 497, 493, 550, 549, 467, 575, 578, 342,
446, 547, 534, 495, 979, 479
# Then read this by
scan(pipe("sed -e s/,$// data"), sep=",")

For convenience, if the file argument specifies a FTP, HTTP or HTTPS URL, the URL is opened for reading via url. Specifying files via file://foo.bar’ is also allowed.

7.3.1 Pushback

C programmers may be familiar with the ungetc function to push back a character onto a text input stream. R connections have the same idea in a more powerful way, in that an (essentially) arbitrary number of lines of text can be pushed back onto a connection via a call to pushBack.

Pushbacks operate as a stack, so a read request first uses each line from the most recently pushbacked text, then those from earlier pushbacks and finally reads from the connection itself. Once a pushbacked line is read completely, it is cleared. The number of pending lines pushed back can be found via a call to pushBackLength.

A simple example will show the idea.

> zz <- textConnection(LETTERS)
> readLines(zz, 2)
[1] "A" "B"
> scan(zz, "", 4)
Read 4 items
[1] "C" "D" "E" "F"
> pushBack(c("aa", "bb"), zz)
> scan(zz, "", 4)
Read 4 items
[1] "aa" "bb" "G"  "H" 
> close(zz)

Pushback is only available for connections opened for input in text mode.

7.4 Listing and manipulating connections

A summary of all the connections currently opened by the user can be found by showConnections(), and a summary of all connections, including closed and terminal connections, by showConnections(all = TRUE)

The generic function seek can be used to read and (on some connections) reset the current position for reading or writing. Unfortunately it depends on OS facilities which may be unreliable (e.g. with text files under Windows). Function isSeekable reports if seek can change the position on the connection given by its argument.

The function truncate can be used to truncate a file opened for writing at its current position. It works only for file connections, and is not implemented on all platforms.

7.5 Binary connections

Functions readBin and writeBin read to and write from binary connections. A connection is opened in binary mode by appending "b" to the mode specification, that is using mode "rb" for reading, and mode "wb" or "ab" (where appropriate) for writing. The functions have arguments

readBin(con, what, n = 1, size = NA, endian = .Platform$endian) 
writeBin(object, con, size = NA, endian = .Platform$endian) 

In each case con is a connection which will be opened if necessary for the duration of the call, and if a character string is given it is assumed to specify a file name.

It is slightly simpler to describe writing, so we will do that first. object should be an atomic vector object, that is a vector of mode numeric, integer, logical, character, complex or raw, without attributes. By default this is written to the file as a stream of bytes exactly as it is represented in memory.

readBin reads a stream of bytes from the file and interprets them as a vector of mode given by what. This can be either an object of the appropriate mode (e.g. what=integer()) or a character string describing the mode (one of the five given in the previous paragraph or "double" or "int"). Argument n specifies the maximum number of vector elements to read from the connection: if fewer are available a shorter vector will be returned. Argument signed allows 1-byte and 2-byte integers to be read as signed (the default) or unsigned integers.

The remaining two arguments are used to write or read data for interchange with another program or another platform. By default binary data is transferred directly from memory to the connection or vice versa. This will not suffice if the data are to be transferred to a machine with a different architecture, but between almost all R platforms the only change needed is that of byte-order. Common PCs (ix86‘-based and x86_64’-based machines), Compaq Alpha and Vaxen are little-endian, whereas Sun Sparc, mc680x0 series, IBM R6000, SGI and most others are big-endian. (Network byte-order (as used by XDR, eXternal Data Representation) is big-endian.) To transfer to or from other programs we may need to do more, for example to read 16-bit integers or write single-precision real numbers. This can be done using the size argument, which (usually) allows sizes 1, 2, 4, 8 for integers and logicals, and sizes 4, 8 and perhaps 12 or 16 for reals. Transferring at different sizes can lose precision, and should not be attempted for vectors containing NA’s.

Character strings are read and written in C format, that is as a string of bytes terminated by a zero byte. Functions readChar and writeChar provide greater flexibility.

7.5.1 Special values

Functions readBin and writeBin will pass missing and special values, although this should not be attempted if a size change is involved.

The missing value for R logical and integer types is INT_MIN, the smallest representable int defined in the C header limits.h, normally corresponding to the bit pattern 0x80000000.

The representation of the special values for R numeric and complex types is machine-dependent, and possibly also compiler-dependent. The simplest way to make use of them is to link an external application against the standalone Rmath library which exports double constants NA_REAL, R_PosInf and R_NegInf, and include the header Rmath.h which defines the macros ISNAN and R_FINITE.

If that is not possible, on all current platforms IEC 60559 (aka IEEE 754) arithmetic is used, so standard C facilities can be used to test for or set Inf, -Inf and NaN values. On such platforms NA is represented by the NaN value with low-word 0x7a2 (1954 in decimal).

Character missing values are written as NA, and there are no provision to recognize character values as missing (as this can be done by re-assigning them once read).

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