API index

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Entry points and variables listed in this index and in header files listed here are intended to be used in distributed packages and ideally will only be changed after deprecation.

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Index Entry Section
ANY_ATTRIB Named objects and copying
bessel_i Mathematical functions
bessel_j Mathematical functions
bessel_k Mathematical functions
bessel_y Mathematical functions
beta Mathematical functions
CAAR Calling .External
CAD4R Calling .External
CAD5R Calling .External
CADDDR Calling .External
CADDR Calling .External
CADR Calling .External
CAR Calling .External
CDAR Calling .External
CDDDR Calling .External
CDDR Calling .External
CDR Calling .External
cgmin Optimization
CHAR Calculating numerical derivatives
choose Mathematical functions
CLEAR_ATTRIB Named objects and copying
COMPLEX Vector accessor functions
COMPLEX_ELT Vector accessor functions
COMPLEX_RO Vector accessor functions
CONS Some convenience functions
cospi Numerical Utilities
d1mach Utility functions
DATAPTR_RO Vector accessor functions
digamma Mathematical functions
dpsifn Mathematical functions
DUPLICATE_ATTRIB Named objects and copying
exp_rand Random numbers
expm1 Numerical Utilities
FALSE Mathematical constants
findInterval Utility functions
findInterval2 Utility functions
fmax2 Numerical Utilities
fmin2 Numerical Utilities
fprec Numerical Utilities
fround Numerical Utilities
fsign Numerical Utilities
ftrunc Numerical Utilities
gammafn Mathematical functions
GetRNGstate Random numbers
i1mach Utility functions
imax2 Numerical Utilities
imin2 Numerical Utilities
INTEGER Vector accessor functions
INTEGER_ELT Vector accessor functions
INTEGER_RO Vector accessor functions
integr_fn Integration
interv Utility functions
ISNA Missing and special values
ISNA Missing and IEEE values
ISNAN Missing and special values
ISNAN Missing and IEEE values
lbeta Mathematical functions
lbfgsb Optimization
lchoose Mathematical functions
LCONS Some convenience functions
LCONS Evaluating R expressions from C
LENGTH Calculating numerical derivatives
lgamma1p Numerical Utilities
lgammafn Mathematical functions
log1mexp Numerical Utilities
log1p Numerical Utilities
log1pexp Numerical Utilities
log1pmx Numerical Utilities
LOGICAL Vector accessor functions
LOGICAL_ELT Vector accessor functions
LOGICAL_RO Vector accessor functions
logspace_add Numerical Utilities
logspace_sub Numerical Utilities
logspace_sum Numerical Utilities
M_E Mathematical constants
M_PI Mathematical constants
MARK_NOT_MUTABLE Named objects and copying
MAYBE_REFERENCED Named objects and copying
MAYBE_SHARED Named objects and copying
NA_REAL Missing and IEEE values
nmmin Optimization
NO_REFERENCES Named objects and copying
norm_rand Random numbers
NOT_SHARED Named objects and copying
optimfn Optimization
optimgr Optimization
pentagamma Mathematical functions
pow1p Numerical Utilities
PRINTNAME Calling .External
PROTECT Garbage Collection
PROTECT_WITH_INDEX Garbage Collection
psigamma Mathematical functions
PutRNGstate Random numbers
R_alloc Allocating storage
R_alloc Transient storage allocation
R_allocLD Transient storage allocation
R_atof Utility functions
R_BytecodeExpr Working with closures
R_Calloc User-controlled memory
R_CHAR Calculating numerical derivatives
R_CheckStack C stack checking
R_CheckStack2 C stack checking
R_CheckUserInterrupt Allowing interrupts
R_ClearExternalPtr External pointers and weak references
R_ClosureBody Working with closures
R_ClosureEnv Working with closures
R_ClosureExpr Working with closures
R_ClosureFormals Working with closures
R_ContinueUnwind Condition handling and cleanup code
R_csort Utility functions
R_DimNamesSymbol Attributes
R_ExecWithCleanup Condition handling and cleanup code
R_ExpandFileName Utility functions
R_ext/Arith.h Missing and special values
R_ext/BLAS.h Numerical analysis subroutines
R_ext/Boolean.h Mathematical constants
R_ext/Complex.h Interface functions .C and .Fortran
R_ext/Constants.h Mathematical constants
R_ext/Error.h The R API
R_ext/Lapack.h Numerical analysis subroutines
R_ext/Linpack.h Numerical analysis subroutines
R_ext/Memory.h Organization of header files
R_ext/Random.h Organization of header files
R_ext/Riconv.h Re-encoding
R_ext/Visibility.h Converting a package to use registration
R_ExternalPtrAddr External pointers and weak references
R_ExternalPtrAddrFn External pointers and weak references
R_ExternalPtrProtected External pointers and weak references
R_ExternalPtrTag External pointers and weak references
R_FindSymbol Linking to native routines in other packages
R_FINITE Missing and IEEE values
R_forceSymbols Registering native routines
R_Free User-controlled memory
R_free_tmpnam Utility functions
R_GetCCallable Linking to native routines in other packages
R_GetCurrentSrcref Accessing source references
R_GetSrcFilename Accessing source references
R_getVar Finding and setting variables
R_getVarEx Finding and setting variables
R_INLINE Inlining C functions
R_IsNaN Missing and IEEE values
R_isnancpp Missing and special values
R_isort Utility functions
R_MakeExternalPtr External pointers and weak references
R_MakeExternalPtrFn External pointers and weak references
R_MakeUnwindCont Condition handling and cleanup code
R_MakeWeakRef External pointers and weak references
R_MakeWeakRefC External pointers and weak references
R_max_col Utility functions
R_mkClosure Working with closures
R_NamesSymbol Attributes
R_NegInf Missing and IEEE values
R_NewEnv Finding and setting variables
R_NewPreciousMSet Garbage Collection
R_NilValue Handling lists
R_orderVector Utility functions
R_orderVector1 Utility functions
R_ParentEnv Semi-internal convenience functions
R_ParseEvalString Parsing R code from C
R_ParseString Parsing R code from C
R_ParseVector Parsing R code from C
R_PosInf Missing and IEEE values
R_pow Numerical Utilities
R_pow_di Numerical Utilities
R_PreserveInMSet Garbage Collection
R_PreserveObject Garbage Collection
R_ProtectWithIndex Garbage Collection
R_qsort Utility functions
R_qsort_I Utility functions
R_qsort_int Utility functions
R_qsort_int_I Utility functions
R_Realloc User-controlled memory
R_RegisterCCallable Linking to native routines in other packages
R_RegisterCFinalizer External pointers and weak references
R_RegisterCFinalizerEx External pointers and weak references
R_RegisterFinalizer External pointers and weak references
R_RegisterFinalizerEx External pointers and weak references
R_registerRoutines Registering native routines
R_ReleaseFromMSet Garbage Collection
R_ReleaseObject Garbage Collection
R_Reprotect Garbage Collection
R_rsort Utility functions
R_RunWeakRefFinalizer External pointers and weak references
R_SetExternalPtrAddr External pointers and weak references
R_SetExternalPtrProtected External pointers and weak references
R_SetExternalPtrTag External pointers and weak references
R_ShowMessage Setting R callbacks
R_strtod Utility functions
R_tmpnam Utility functions
R_tmpnam2 Utility functions
R_ToplevelExec Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryCatch Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryCatchError Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryEval Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryEvalSilent Condition handling and cleanup code
R_unif_index Random numbers
R_UnwindProtect Condition handling and cleanup code
R_useDynamicSymbols Registering native routines
R_Version Platform and version information
R_WeakRefKey External pointers and weak references
R_WeakRefValue External pointers and weak references
R_withCallingErrorHandler Condition handling and cleanup code
RAW Vector accessor functions
RAW_ELT Vector accessor functions
RAW_RO Vector accessor functions
Rdqagi Integration
Rdqags Integration
REAL Vector accessor functions
REAL_ELT Vector accessor functions
REAL_RO Vector accessor functions
REprintf Printing
REPROTECT Garbage Collection
REvprintf Printing
Rf_alloc3DArray Allocating storage
Rf_allocArray Allocating storage
Rf_allocLang Evaluating R expressions from C
Rf_allocList Handling lists
Rf_allocList Evaluating R expressions from C
Rf_allocMatrix Allocating storage
Rf_allocMatrix Calculating numerical derivatives
Rf_allocVector Allocating storage
Rf_asBbool Some convenience functions
Rf_asChar Some convenience functions
Rf_asCharacterFactor Some convenience functions
Rf_asComplex Some convenience functions
Rf_asInteger Some convenience functions
Rf_asLogical Some convenience functions
Rf_asRboolean Some convenience functions
Rf_asReal Some convenience functions
Rf_classgets Classes
Rf_coerceVector Details of R types
Rf_cons Some convenience functions
Rf_copyMatrix Allocating storage
Rf_copyMostAttrib Allocating storage
Rf_copyVector Allocating storage
Rf_cPsort Utility functions
Rf_defineVar Finding and setting variables
Rf_dimgets Attributes
Rf_dimnamesgets Attributes
Rf_duplicate Named objects and copying
Rf_elt Some convenience functions
Rf_error Error signaling
Rf_errorcall Error signaling
Rf_eval Evaluating R expressions from C
Rf_findFun Evaluating R expressions from C
Rf_GetArrayDimnames Attributes
Rf_getAttrib Attributes
Rf_getCharCE Character encoding issues
Rf_GetColNames Attributes
Rf_GetMatrixDimnames Attributes
Rf_GetOption1 Semi-internal convenience functions
Rf_GetOptionWidth Semi-internal convenience functions
Rf_GetRowNames Attributes
Rf_inherits Semi-internal convenience functions
Rf_install Attributes
Rf_installChar Attributes
Rf_installChar Finding and setting variables
Rf_installTrChar Attributes
Rf_iPsort Utility functions
Rf_isArray Some convenience functions
Rf_isComplex Details of R types
Rf_isDataFrame Some convenience functions
Rf_isEnvironment Details of R types
Rf_isExpression Details of R types
Rf_isFactor Some convenience functions
Rf_isFunction Some convenience functions
Rf_isInteger Details of R types
Rf_isLanguage Some convenience functions
Rf_isList Some convenience functions
Rf_isLogical Details of R types
Rf_isMatrix Some convenience functions
Rf_isNewList Some convenience functions
Rf_isNull Details of R types
Rf_isNumber Some convenience functions
Rf_isNumeric Some convenience functions
Rf_isObject Some convenience functions
Rf_isOrdered Some convenience functions
Rf_isPairList Some convenience functions
Rf_isPrimitive Some convenience functions
Rf_isReal Details of R types
Rf_isS4 Some convenience functions
Rf_isString Details of R types
Rf_isSymbol Details of R types
Rf_isTs Some convenience functions
Rf_isUnordered Some convenience functions
Rf_isVector Some convenience functions
Rf_isVectorAtomic Some convenience functions
Rf_isVectorList Some convenience functions
Rf_lang1 Some convenience functions
Rf_lang2 Some convenience functions
Rf_lang3 Some convenience functions
Rf_lang4 Some convenience functions
Rf_lang5 Some convenience functions
Rf_lang6 Some convenience functions
Rf_lastElt Some convenience functions
Rf_lcons Some convenience functions
Rf_length Calculating numerical derivatives
Rf_lengthgets Allocating storage
Rf_list1 Some convenience functions
Rf_list2 Some convenience functions
Rf_list3 Some convenience functions
Rf_list4 Some convenience functions
Rf_list5 Some convenience functions
Rf_list6 Some convenience functions
Rf_mkChar Handling character data
Rf_mkCharCE Character encoding issues
Rf_mkCharLen Handling character data
Rf_mkCharLenCE Character encoding issues
Rf_mkNamed Attributes
Rf_mkString Some convenience functions
Rf_namesgets Attributes
Rf_ncols Transient storage allocation
Rf_nrows Transient storage allocation
Rf_nthcdr Some convenience functions
Rf_onintr Calling R.dll directly
Rf_PrintValue Inspecting R objects
Rf_protect Garbage Collection
Rf_reEnc Character encoding issues
Rf_revsort Utility functions
Rf_rPsort Utility functions
Rf_ScalarComplex Some convenience functions
Rf_ScalarInteger Some convenience functions
Rf_ScalarLogical Some convenience functions
Rf_ScalarRaw Some convenience functions
Rf_ScalarReal Some convenience functions
Rf_ScalarString Some convenience functions
Rf_setAttrib Attributes
Rf_setVar Finding and setting variables
Rf_shallow_duplicate Named objects and copying
Rf_str2type Some convenience functions
Rf_topenv Semi-internal convenience functions
Rf_translateChar Character encoding issues
Rf_translateCharUTF8 Character encoding issues
Rf_type2char Some convenience functions
Rf_type2str Some convenience functions
Rf_type2str_nowarn Some convenience functions
Rf_unprotect Garbage Collection
Rf_unprotect_ptr Garbage Collection
Rf_warning Error signaling
Rf_warningcall Error signaling
Rf_warningcall_immediate Error signaling
Rf_xlength Portable C and C++ code
Rf_xlengthgets Allocating storage
Riconv Re-encoding
Riconv_close Re-encoding
Riconv_open Re-encoding
Rmath.h Numerical analysis subroutines
rmultinom Distribution functions
Rprintf Printing
rsort_with_index Utility functions
Rtanpi Numerical Utilities
Rvprintf Printing
S_alloc Transient storage allocation
S_realloc Transient storage allocation
samin Optimization
SET_COMPLEX_ELT Vector accessor functions
SET_INTEGER_ELT Vector accessor functions
SET_LOGICAL_ELT Vector accessor functions
SET_RAW_ELT Vector accessor functions
SET_REAL_ELT Vector accessor functions
SET_STRING_ELT Handling character data
SET_TAG Evaluating R expressions from C
SET_VECTOR_ELT Vector accessor functions
SETCAD4R Calling .External
SETCADDDR Calling .External
SETCADDR Calling .External
SETCADR Calling .External
SETCAR Calling .External
SETCDR Calling .External
SHALLOW_DUPLICATE_ATTRIB Named objects and copying
sign Numerical Utilities
signrank_free Distribution functions
sinpi Numerical Utilities
STRING_ELT Handling character data
STRING_PTR_RO Vector accessor functions
TAG Calling .External
tanpi Numerical Utilities
tetragamma Mathematical functions
trigamma Mathematical functions
TRUE Mathematical constants
TYPEOF Calling .External
unif_rand Random numbers
UNPROTECT Garbage Collection
UNPROTECT_PTR Garbage Collection
VECTOR_ELT Vector accessor functions
VECTOR_PTR_RO Vector accessor functions
vmaxget Transient storage allocation
vmaxset Transient storage allocation
vmmin Optimization
wilcox_free Distribution functions
XLENGTH Portable C and C++ code
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