Function and variable index

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Index Entry   Section
.C:   Interface functions .C and .Fortran
.Call:   Handling R objects in C
.Call:   Calling .Call
.External:   Handling R objects in C
.External:   Calling .External
.Fortran:   Interface functions .C and .Fortran
.Last.lib:   Load hooks
.onAttach:   Load hooks
.onDetach:   Load hooks
.onLoad:   Load hooks
.onUnload:   Load hooks
.Random.seed:   Random numbers
\abbr:   Marking text
\acronym:   Marking text
\alias:   Documenting functions
\arguments:   Documenting functions
\author:   Documenting functions
\bold:   Marking text
\cite:   Marking text
\code:   Marking text
\command:   Marking text
\concept:   Indices
\cr:   Sectioning
\CRANpkg{pkg}:   [User-defined m acros](Writing-R-documentation-files.html#user-defined-macros)
\deqn:   Mathematics
\describe:   Lists and tables
\description:   Documenting functions
\details:   Documenting functions
\dfn:   Marking text
\doi{numbers}:   [User-defined m acros](Writing-R-documentation-files.html#user-defined-macros)
\dontdiff:   Documenting functions
\dontrun:   Documenting functions
\dontshow:   Documenting functions
\donttest:   Documenting functions
\dots:   Insertions
\dQuote:   Marking text
\email:   Marking text
\emph:   Marking text
\enc:   Insertions
\enumerate:   Lists and tables
\env:   Marking text
\eqn:   Mathematics
\examples:   Documenting functions
\figure:   Figures
\file:   Marking text
\format:   Documenting data sets
\href:   Marking text
\if:   Conditional text
\ifelse:   Conditional text
\itemize:   Lists and tables
\kbd:   Marking text
\keyword:   Documenting functions
\ldots:   Insertions
\link:   Cross-references
\linkS4class:   Cross-references
\method:   Documenting functions
\name:   Documenting functions
\newcommand:   User-defined macros
\note:   Documenting functions
\option:   Marking text
\out:   Conditional text
\packageAuthor:   User-defined macros
\packageDescription:   User-defined macros
\packageDESCRIPTION:   User-defined macros
\packageIndices:   User-defined macros
\packageMaintainer:   User-defined macros
\packageTitle:   User-defined macros
\pkg:   Marking text
\preformatted:   Marking text
\R:   Insertions
\RdOpts:   Dynamic pages
\references:   Documenting functions
\renewcommand:   User-defined macros
\S3method:   Documenting functions
\samp:   Marking text
\section:   Sectioning
\seealso:   Documenting functions
\Sexpr:   Dynamic pages
\source:   Documenting data sets
\sQuote:   Marking text
\sspace:   User-defined macros
\strong:   Marking text
\tabular:   Lists and tables
\title:   Documenting functions
\url:   Marking text
\usage:   Documenting functions
\value:   Documenting functions
\var:   Marking text
\verb:   Marking text
addInputHandler:   Meshing event loops
alloc3DArray:   Allocating storage
allocArray:   Allocating storage
allocLang:   Evaluating R expressions from C
allocList:   Handling lists
allocList:   Evaluating R expressions from C
allocMatrix:   Allocating storage
allocMatrix:   Calculating numerical derivatives
allocS4Object:   S4 objects
allocVector:   Allocating storage
ALTREP:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
ALTREP_CLASS:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
ANY_ATTRIB:   Named objects and copying
any_duplicated:   Semi-internal convenience functions
any_duplicated3:   Semi-internal convenience functions
asChar:   Some convenience functions
asCharacterFactor:   Some convenience functions
asComplex:   Some convenience functions
asInteger:   Some convenience functions
asLogical:   Some convenience functions
asReal:   Some convenience functions
asS4:   S4 objects
AUTHORS:   Package subdirectories
bessel_i:   Mathematical functions
bessel_i:   Mathematical functions
bessel_j:   Mathematical functions
bessel_j:   Mathematical functions
bessel_k:   Mathematical functions
bessel_k:   Mathematical functions
bessel_y:   Mathematical functions
bessel_y:   Mathematical functions
beta:   Mathematical functions
beta:   Mathematical functions
BLAS_LIBS:   Using Makevars
browser:   Browsing
CAAR:   Calling .External
CAD4R:   Calling .External
CAD5R:   Calling .External
CADDDR:   Calling .External
CADDR:   Calling .External
CADR:   Calling .External
Calloc:   User-controlled memory
CallocCharBuf:   User-controlled memory
CAR:   Calling .External
CDAR:   Calling .External
CDDDR:   Calling .External
CDDR:   Calling .External
CDR:   Calling .External
cgmin:   Optimization
CHAR:   Calculating numerical derivatives
charIsASCII:   Character encoding issues
charIsLatin1:   Character encoding issues
charIsUTF8:   Character encoding issues
choose:   Mathematical functions
choose:   Mathematical functions
citation:   Package subdirectories
citation:   CITATION files
classgets:   Classes
CleanEd:   Setting R callbacks
CLEAR_ATTRIB:   Named objects and copying
coerceVector:   Details of R types
COMPLEX:   Vector accessor functions
COMPLEX_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
COMPLEX_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
COMPLEX_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
COMPLEX_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
COMPLEX_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
COMPLEX_RO:   Vector accessor functions
CONS:   Some convenience functions
cons:   Some convenience functions
copyListMatrix:   Semi-internal convenience functions
copyMatrix:   Allocating storage
copyMostAttrib:   Allocating storage
COPYRIGHTS:   Package subdirectories
copyVector:   Allocating storage
cospi:   Numerical Utilities
cospi:   Numerical Utilities
cPsort:   Utility functions
cPsort:   Utility functions
d1mach:   Utility functions
DATAPTR_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
DATAPTR_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
DATAPTR_RO:   Vector accessor functions
dblepr:   Printing from Fortran
dblepr1:   Printing from Fortran
debug:   Debugging R code
debugger:   Debugging R code
defineVar:   Finding and setting variables
digamma:   Mathematical functions
digamma:   Mathematical functions
dimgets:   Attributes
dimnamesgets:   Attributes
dpsifn:   Mathematical functions
dpsifn:   Mathematical functions
dump.frames:   Debugging R code
duplicate:   Named objects and copying
duplicated:   Semi-internal convenience functions
DUPLICATE_ATTRIB:   Named objects and copying
dwilcox:   Distribution functions
dyn.load:   dyn.load and dyn.unload
dyn.unload:   dyn.load and dyn.unload
elt:   Some convenience functions
error:   Error signaling
errorcall:   Error signaling
eval:   Evaluating R expressions from C
expm1:   Numerical Utilities
expm1:   Numerical Utilities
export:   Specifying imports and exports
exportClasses:   Namespaces with S4 classes and methods
exportClassPattern:   Namespaces with S4 classes and methods
exportMethods:   Namespaces with S4 classes and methods
exportPattern:   Specifying imports and exports
exportPattern:   Namespaces with S4 classes and methods
exp_rand:   Random numbers
FALSE:   Mathematical constants
findFun:   Evaluating R expressions from C
findInterval:   Utility functions
findInterval:   Utility functions
findInterval2:   Utility functions
findInterval2:   Utility functions
FLIBS:   Using Makevars
fmax2:   Numerical Utilities
fmax2:   Numerical Utilities
fmin2:   Numerical Utilities
fmin2:   Numerical Utilities
fprec:   Numerical Utilities
fprec:   Numerical Utilities
fpu_setup:   Setting R callbacks
Free:   User-controlled memory
fround:   Numerical Utilities
fround:   Numerical Utilities
fsign:   Numerical Utilities
fsign:   Numerical Utilities
ftrunc:   Numerical Utilities
ftrunc:   Numerical Utilities
gammafn:   Mathematical functions
gammafn:   Mathematical functions
gctorture:   Using gctorture
GetArrayDimnames:   Attributes
getAttrib:   Attributes
getCharCE:   Character encoding issues
GetColNames:   Attributes
getInputHandler:   Meshing event loops
GetMatrixDimnames:   Attributes
GetOption1:   Semi-internal convenience functions
GetOptionWidth:   Semi-internal convenience functions
GetRNGstate:   Random numbers
GetRowNames:   Attributes
i1mach:   Utility functions
imax2:   Numerical Utilities
imax2:   Numerical Utilities
imin2:   Numerical Utilities
imin2:   Numerical Utilities
import:   Specifying imports and exports
importClassesFrom:   Namespaces with S4 classes and methods
importFrom:   Specifying imports and exports
importMethodsFrom:   Namespaces with S4 classes and methods
inherits:   Semi-internal convenience functions
install:   Attributes
installChar:   Finding and setting variables
INTEGER:   Vector accessor functions
INTEGER_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
INTEGER_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_IS_SORTED:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_IS_SORTED:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
INTEGER_RO:   Vector accessor functions
integr_fn:   Integration
interv:   Utility functions
intpr:   Printing from Fortran
intpr1:   Printing from Fortran
iPsort:   Utility functions
iPsort:   Utility functions
isArray:   Some convenience functions
isBlankString:   Some convenience functions
isComplex:   Details of R types
isDataFrame:   Some convenience functions
isEnvironment:   Details of R types
isExpression:   Details of R types
isFactor:   Some convenience functions
isFunction:   Some convenience functions
isInteger:   Details of R types
isLanguage:   Some convenience functions
isList:   Some convenience functions
isLogical:   Details of R types
isMatrix:   Some convenience functions
ISNA:   Missing and special values
ISNA:   Missing and IEEE values
ISNAN:   Missing and special values
ISNAN:   Missing and IEEE values
isNewList:   Some convenience functions
isNull:   Details of R types
isNumber:   Some convenience functions
isNumeric:   Some convenience functions
isObject:   Some convenience functions
isOrdered:   Some convenience functions
isPairList:   Some convenience functions
isPrimitive:   Some convenience functions
isReal:   Details of R types
isS4:   Some convenience functions
isString:   Details of R types
isSymbol:   Details of R types
isTs:   Some convenience functions
isUnordered:   Some convenience functions
isUnsorted:   Semi-internal convenience functions
isVector:   Some convenience functions
isVectorAtomic:   Some convenience functions
isVectorizable:   Semi-internal convenience functions
isVectorList:   Some convenience functions
IS_LONG_VEC:   Some convenience functions
IS_SCALAR:   Some convenience functions
labelpr:   Printing from Fortran
lang1:   Some convenience functions
lang2:   Some convenience functions
lang3:   Some convenience functions
lang4:   Some convenience functions
lang5:   Some convenience functions
lang6:   Some convenience functions
LAPACK_LIBS:   Using Makevars
lastElt:   Some convenience functions
lbeta:   Mathematical functions
lbeta:   Mathematical functions
lbfgsb:   Optimization
lchoose:   Mathematical functions
lchoose:   Mathematical functions
LCONS:   Some convenience functions
lcons:   Some convenience functions
LCONS:   Evaluating R expressions from C
LENGTH:   Calculating numerical derivatives
length:   Calculating numerical derivatives
lengthgets:   Allocating storage
lgamma1p:   Numerical Utilities
lgamma1p:   Numerical Utilities
lgammafn:   Mathematical functions
lgammafn:   Mathematical functions
library.dynam:   Package subdirectories
library.dynam:   dyn.load and dyn.unload
list1:   Some convenience functions
list2:   Some convenience functions
list3:   Some convenience functions
list4:   Some convenience functions
list5:   Some convenience functions
list6:   Some convenience functions
listAppend:   Semi-internal convenience functions
log1mexp:   Numerical Utilities
log1mexp:   Numerical Utilities
log1p:   Numerical Utilities
log1p:   Numerical Utilities
log1pexp:   Numerical Utilities
log1pexp:   Numerical Utilities
log1pmx:   Numerical Utilities
log1pmx:   Numerical Utilities
LOGICAL:   Vector accessor functions
LOGICAL_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
LOGICAL_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
LOGICAL_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
LOGICAL_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
LOGICAL_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
LOGICAL_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
LOGICAL_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
LOGICAL_RO:   Vector accessor functions
logspace_add:   Numerical Utilities
logspace_add:   Numerical Utilities
logspace_sub:   Numerical Utilities
logspace_sub:   Numerical Utilities
logspace_sum:   Numerical Utilities
logspace_sum:   Numerical Utilities
MARK_NOT_MUTABLE:   Named objects and copying
match:   Semi-internal convenience functions
MAYBE_REFERENCED:   Named objects and copying
MAYBE_SHARED:   Named objects and copying
Memcpy:   User-controlled memory
Memzero:   User-controlled memory
mkChar:   Handling character data
mkCharCE:   Character encoding issues
mkCharLen:   Handling character data
mkCharLenCE:   Character encoding issues
mkNamed:   Attributes
mkString:   Some convenience functions
M_E:   Mathematical constants
M_PI:   Mathematical constants
namesgets:   Attributes
NA_REAL:   Missing and IEEE values
ncols:   Transient storage allocation
news:   Package subdirectories
nlevels:   Semi-internal convenience functions
nmmin:   Optimization
norm_rand:   Random numbers
NOT_SHARED:   Named objects and copying
NO_REFERENCES:   Named objects and copying
nrows:   Transient storage allocation
nthcdr:   Some convenience functions
OBJECTS:   Using Makevars
OBJECTS:   Creating shared objects
onintr:   Calling R.dll directly
optimfn:   Optimization
optimgr:   Optimization
PairToVectorList:   Semi-internal convenience functions
pentagamma:   Mathematical functions
pentagamma:   Mathematical functions
PKG_CFLAGS:   Creating shared objects
PKG_CPPFLAGS:   Creating shared objects
PKG_CXXFLAGS:   Creating shared objects
PKG_FCFLAGS:   Using modern Fortran code
PKG_FFLAGS:   Creating shared objects
PKG_LIBS:   Creating shared objects
PKG_OBJCFLAGS:   Creating shared objects
PKG_OBJCXXFLAGS:   Creating shared objects
pmatch:   Semi-internal convenience functions
pow1p:   Numerical Utilities
pow1p:   Numerical Utilities
PRINTNAME:   Calling .External
PrintValue:   Inspecting R objects
prompt:   Rd format
PROTECT:   Garbage Collection
protect:   Garbage Collection
PROTECT_WITH_INDEX:   Garbage Collection
psigamma:   Mathematical functions
psigamma:   Mathematical functions
psmatch:   Semi-internal convenience functions
PutRNGstate:   Random numbers
pwilcox:   Distribution functions
qsort3:   Utility functions
qsort3:   Utility functions
qsort4:   Utility functions
qsort4:   Utility functions
qwilcox:   Distribution functions
R CMD build:   Building package tarballs
R CMD check:   Checking packages
R CMD config:   Configure and cleanup
R CMD Rd2pdf:   Processing documentation files
R CMD Rdconv:   Processing documentation files
R CMD SHLIB:   Creating shared objects
R CMD Stangle:   Processing documentation files
R CMD Sweave:   Processing documentation files
RAW:   Vector accessor functions
RAW_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
RAW_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
RAW_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
RAW_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
RAW_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
RAW_RO:   Vector accessor functions
rchkusr:   Allowing interrupts
Rdqagi:   Integration
Rdqags:   Integration
REAL:   Vector accessor functions
Realloc:   User-controlled memory
realpr:   Printing from Fortran
realpr1:   Printing from Fortran
REAL_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
REAL_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_GET_REGION:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_IS_SORTED:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_IS_SORTED:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_OR_NULL:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
REAL_RO:   Vector accessor functions
recover:   Debugging R code
reEnc:   Character encoding issues
removeInputHandler:   Meshing event loops
REprintf:   Printing
REPROTECT:   Garbage Collection
REvprintf:   Printing
revsort:   Utility functions
revsort:   Utility functions
rexit:   Error signaling from Fortran
Rf_endEmbeddedR:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
Rf_initEmbeddedR:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
Rf_initialize_R:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
Rf_installChar:   Attributes
Rf_installTrChar:   Attributes
Rf_KillAllDevices:   Setting R callbacks
Rf_mainloop:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
Riconv:   Re-encoding
Riconv:   Re-encoding
Riconv_close:   Re-encoding
Riconv_close:   Re-encoding
Riconv_open:   Re-encoding
Riconv_open:   Re-encoding
rmultinom:   Distribution functions
Rprintf:   Printing
Rprof:   Profiling R code for speed
Rprof:   Memory statistics from Rprof
Rprofmem:   Tracking memory allocations
rPsort:   Utility functions
rPsort:   Utility functions
rsort_with_index:   Utility functions
rsort_with_index:   Utility functions
Rtanpi:   Numerical Utilities
Rtanpi:   Numerical Utilities
run_Rmainloop:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
Rvprintf:   Printing
rwarn:   Error signaling from Fortran
R_ActiveBindingFunction:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_addhistory:   Setting R callbacks
R_addhistory:   Setting R callbacks
R_alloc:   Allocating storage
R_alloc:   Transient storage allocation
R_allocLD:   Transient storage allocation
R_altrep_data1:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
R_altrep_data2:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
R_atof:   Utility functions
R_atof:   Utility functions
R_BindingIsActive:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_BindingIsLocked:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_Busy:   Setting R callbacks
R_Busy:   Setting R callbacks
R_BytecodeExpr:   Working with closures
R_Calloc:   User-controlled memory
R_CHAR:   Calculating numerical derivatives
R_CheckStack:   C stack checking
R_CheckStack2:   C stack checking
R_CheckUserInterrupt:   Allowing interrupts
R_check_class_etc:   S4 objects
R_chk_calloc:   User-controlled memory
R_chk_free:   User-controlled memory
R_chk_realloc:   User-controlled memory
R_ChooseFile:   Setting R callbacks
R_ChooseFile:   Setting R callbacks
R_CleanTempDir:   Setting R callbacks
R_CleanUp:   Setting R callbacks
R_CleanUp:   Setting R callbacks
R_ClearerrConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_ClearerrConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_ClearExternalPtr:   External pointers and weak references
R_ClosureBody:   Working with closures
R_ClosureEnv:   Working with closures
R_ClosureExpr:   Working with closures
R_ClosureFormals:   Working with closures
R_compute_identical:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_ContinueUnwind:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_csort:   Utility functions
R_csort:   Utility functions
R_dataentry:   Setting R callbacks
R_dataviewer:   Setting R callbacks
R_DefParams:   Calling R.dll directly
R_DefParamsEx:   Calling R.dll directly
R_DimNamesSymbol:   Attributes
R_dot_Last:   Setting R callbacks
R_do_MAKE_CLASS:   S4 objects
R_do_new_object:   S4 objects
R_do_slot:   S4 objects
R_do_slot_assign:   S4 objects
R_EditFile:   Setting R callbacks
R_EditFile:   Setting R callbacks
R_EditFiles:   Setting R callbacks
R_EditFiles:   Setting R callbacks
R_EnvironmentIsLocked:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_ExecWithCleanup:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_existsVarInFrame:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_ExpandFileName:   Utility functions
R_ExpandFileName:   Utility functions
R_ExternalPtrAddr:   External pointers and weak references
R_ExternalPtrAddrFn:   External pointers and weak references
R_ExternalPtrProtected:   External pointers and weak references
R_ExternalPtrTag:   External pointers and weak references
R_FindNamespace:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_FindSymbol:   Linking to native routines in other packages
R_FINITE:   Missing and IEEE values
R_FlushConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_FlushConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_forceAndCall:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_forceSymbols:   Registering native routines
R_Free:   User-controlled memory
R_free_tmpnam:   Utility functions
R_free_tmpnam:   Utility functions
R_GetCCallable:   Linking to native routines in other packages
R_getClassDef:   S4 objects
R_GetCurrentEnv:   Evaluating R expressions from C
R_GetCurrentSrcref:   Accessing source references
R_getEmbeddingDllInfo:   Registering symbols
R_GetSrcFilename:   Accessing source references
R_getVar:   Finding and setting variables
R_getVarEx:   Finding and setting variables
R_GetX11Image:   Organization of header files
R_has_slot:   S4 objects
R_InitFileInPStream:   Custom serialization input and output
R_InitFileOutPStream:   Custom serialization input and output
R_InitInPStream:   Custom serialization input and output
R_InitOutPStream:   Custom serialization input and output
R_INLINE:   Inlining C functions
R_InputHandlers:   Meshing event loops
R_Interactive:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
R_IsNamespaceEnv:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_IsNaN:   Missing and IEEE values
R_isnancpp:   Missing and special values
R_isort:   Utility functions
R_isort:   Utility functions
R_IsPackageEnv:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_LIBRARY_DIR:   Configure and cleanup
R_loadhistory:   Setting R callbacks
R_loadhistory:   Setting R callbacks
R_LockBinding:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_LockEnvironment:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_lsInternal3:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_MakeActiveBinding:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_MakeExternalPtr:   External pointers and weak references
R_MakeExternalPtrFn:   External pointers and weak references
R_MakeUnwindCont:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_MakeWeakRef:   External pointers and weak references
R_MakeWeakRefC:   External pointers and weak references
R_max_col:   Utility functions
R_max_col:   Utility functions
R_mkClosure:   Working with closures
R_NamespaceEnvSpec:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_NamesSymbol:   Attributes
R_NegInf:   Missing and IEEE values
R_NewEnv:   Finding and setting variables
R_NewPreciousMSet:   Garbage Collection
R_NilValue:   Handling lists
R_orderVector:   Utility functions
R_orderVector:   Utility functions
R_orderVector1:   Utility functions
R_orderVector1:   Utility functions
R_PackageEnvName:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_PACKAGE_DIR:   Configure and cleanup
R_PACKAGE_DIR:   Configure and cleanup
R_PACKAGE_NAME:   Configure and cleanup
R_PACKAGE_NAME:   Configure and cleanup
R_ParentEnv:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_ParseEvalString:   Parsing R code from C
R_ParseEvalString:   Parsing R code from C
R_ParseString:   Parsing R code from C
R_ParseString:   Parsing R code from C
R_ParseVector:   Parsing R code from C
R_PolledEvents:   Meshing event loops
R_PosInf:   Missing and IEEE values
R_pow:   Numerical Utilities
R_pow:   Numerical Utilities
R_pow_di:   Numerical Utilities
R_pow_di:   Numerical Utilities
R_PreserveInMSet:   Garbage Collection
R_PreserveObject:   Garbage Collection
R_ProcessEvents:   Calling R.dll directly
R_ProtectWithIndex:   Garbage Collection
R_PV:   Inspecting R objects
R_qsort:   Utility functions
R_qsort:   Utility functions
R_qsort_I:   Utility functions
R_qsort_I:   Utility functions
R_qsort_int:   Utility functions
R_qsort_int:   Utility functions
R_qsort_int_I:   Utility functions
R_qsort_int_I:   Utility functions
R_ReadConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_ReadConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_Realloc:   User-controlled memory
R_RegisterCCallable:   Linking to native routines in other packages
R_RegisterCFinalizer:   External pointers and weak references
R_RegisterCFinalizerEx:   External pointers and weak references
R_RegisterFinalizer:   External pointers and weak references
R_RegisterFinalizerEx:   External pointers and weak references
R_registerRoutines:   Registering native routines
R_ReleaseFromMSet:   Garbage Collection
R_ReleaseObject:   Garbage Collection
R_removeVarFromFrame:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_ReplDLLdo1:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
R_ReplDLLinit:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
R_Reprotect:   Garbage Collection
R_ResetConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_ResetConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_rsort:   Utility functions
R_rsort:   Utility functions
R_RunExitFinalizers:   Setting R callbacks
R_RunPendingFinalizers:   Setting R callbacks
R_RunWeakRefFinalizer:   External pointers and weak references
R_SaveGlobalEnv:   Setting R callbacks
R_savehistory:   Setting R callbacks
R_savehistory:   Setting R callbacks
R_selectlist:   Setting R callbacks
R_Serialize:   Custom serialization input and output
R_SetExternalPtrAddr:   External pointers and weak references
R_SetExternalPtrProtected:   External pointers and weak references
R_SetExternalPtrTag:   External pointers and weak references
R_SetParams:   Calling R.dll directly
R_setStartTime:   Calling R.dll directly
R_set_altrep_data1:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
R_set_altrep_data2:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
R_set_command_line_arguments:   Calling R.dll directly
R_ShowFiles:   Setting R callbacks
R_ShowFiles:   Setting R callbacks
R_ShowMessage:   Setting R callbacks
R_ShowMessage:   Setting R callbacks
R_Srcref:   Accessing source references
R_strtod:   Utility functions
R_strtod:   Utility functions
R_Suicide:   Setting R callbacks
R_TempDir:   Embedding R under Unix-alikes
R_tmpnam:   Utility functions
R_tmpnam:   Utility functions
R_tmpnam2:   Utility functions
R_tmpnam2:   Utility functions
R_ToplevelExec:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryCatch:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryCatchError:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryEval:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_tryEvalSilent:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_unif_index:   Random numbers
R_unLockBinding:   Semi-internal convenience functions
R_Unserialize:   Custom serialization input and output
R_UnwindProtect:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_useDynamicSymbols:   Registering native routines
R_Version:   Platform and version information
R_wait_usec:   Meshing event loops
R_WeakRefKey:   External pointers and weak references
R_WeakRefValue:   External pointers and weak references
R_withCallingErrorHandler:   Condition handling and cleanup code
R_WriteConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_WriteConsole:   Setting R callbacks
R_WriteConsoleEx:   Setting R callbacks
R_WriteConsoleEx:   Setting R callbacks
S3method:   Registering S3 methods
SAFE_FFLAGS:   Using Makevars
samin:   Optimization
ScalarComplex:   Some convenience functions
ScalarInteger:   Some convenience functions
ScalarLogical:   Some convenience functions
ScalarRaw:   Some convenience functions
ScalarReal:   Some convenience functions
ScalarString:   Some convenience functions
setAttrib:   Attributes
SETCAD4R:   Calling .External
SETCADDDR:   Calling .External
SETCADDR:   Calling .External
SETCADR:   Calling .External
SETCAR:   Calling .External
SETCDR:   Calling .External
setup_Rmainloop:   Calling R.dll directly
setVar:   Finding and setting variables
SET_COMPLEX_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
SET_INTEGER_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
SET_LOGICAL_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
SET_RAW_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
SET_REAL_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
SET_STRING_ELT:   Handling character data
SET_TAG:   Evaluating R expressions from C
SET_VECTOR_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
shallow_duplicate:   Named objects and copying
SHALLOW_DUPLICATE_ATTRIB:   Named objects and copying
sign:   Numerical Utilities
sign:   Numerical Utilities
signrank_free:   Distribution functions
sinpi:   Numerical Utilities
sinpi:   Numerical Utilities
str2type:   Some convenience functions
StringBlank:   Some convenience functions
StringFalse:   Some convenience functions
StringTrue:   Some convenience functions
STRING_ELT:   Handling character data
STRING_IS_SORTED:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
STRING_IS_SORTED:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
STRING_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
STRING_NO_NA:   Writing compact-representation-friendly code
STRING_PTR_RO:   Vector accessor functions
summaryRprof:   Memory statistics from Rprof
system:   Operating system access
system.time:   Operating system access
system2:   Operating system access
S_alloc:   Transient storage allocation
S_realloc:   Transient storage allocation
TAG:   Calling .External
tanpi:   Numerical Utilities
tanpi:   Numerical Utilities
tetragamma:   Mathematical functions
tetragamma:   Mathematical functions
topenv:   Semi-internal convenience functions
trace:   Debugging R code
traceback:   Debugging R code
tracemem:   Tracing copies of an object
translateChar:   Character encoding issues
translateCharUTF8:   Character encoding issues
trigamma:   Mathematical functions
trigamma:   Mathematical functions
TRUE:   Mathematical constants
type2char:   Some convenience functions
type2str:   Some convenience functions
type2str_nowarn:   Some convenience functions
TYPEOF:   Calling .External
undebug:   Debugging R code
unif_rand:   Random numbers
UNPROTECT:   Garbage Collection
unprotect:   Garbage Collection
UNPROTECT_PTR:   Garbage Collection
unprotect_ptr:   Garbage Collection
untracemem:   Tracing copies of an object
useDynLib:   useDynLib
VectorToPairList:   Semi-internal convenience functions
VECTOR_ELT:   Vector accessor functions
VECTOR_PTR_RO:   Vector accessor functions
vmaxget:   Transient storage allocation
vmaxset:   Transient storage allocation
vmmin:   Optimization
warning:   Error signaling
warningcall:   Error signaling
warningcall_immediate:   Error signaling
wilcox_free:   Distribution functions
XLENGTH:   Portable C and C++ code
xlength:   Portable C and C++ code
xlengthgets:   Allocating storage
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