The shinycannon tool creates a directory of log files for each load test. This function translates one or more test result directories into a tidy data frame.

load_runs(..., verbose = vroom::vroom_progress())



Key-value pairs where the key is the desired name for the test and the value is a path to the test result directory.


Whether or not to print progress for reading loadtest directories


A tidy data frame with the test result data. Each row is an event. Columns include identifiers and timing information for the event. The variables are as follows


Name of the run


simulated session identifier, 0-based


simulated user identifier, 0-based


user session identifier, 0-based


recording line number associated with event


type of the event


time the event started, in seconds, relative to the time at which all simulated users were running.


time the event ended, in seconds, relative to the time at which all simulated users were running


event duration, in seconds


number of events that happened at the same time as this one


whether this event occurred before or after all simulated users were running


event-specific text label


raw message JSON and parsed JSON of the event

Output variables

  • run: The name of the recording session.

  • session_id: An incrementing integer value for every session within a run. Starts at 0.

  • user_id: Which simulated user is performing the work within a run. Starts at 0.

  • iteration: an incrementing integer value of the session iteration for the #' matching user_id. Starts at 0.

  • input_line_number: The line number corresponding to the event in the recording.log file.

  • event: the web event being performed. One of the following values:

    • REQ_HOME: initial request for to load the homepage

    • REQ_GET: Request a supporting file (JavaScript / CSS)

    • REQ_TOK: Request a Shiny token

    • REQ_SINF: Request SockJS information

    • REQ_POST: Perform a POST query, such as uploading part of a file

    • WS_RECV_BEGIN_UPLOAD: A file upload is being requested

    • WS_OPEN: Open a new SockJS connection

    • WS_RECV_INIT: Initialize a new SockJS

    • WS_SEND: Send information from the Shiny server to the browser

    • WS_RECV: Send information from the browser to the Shiny server

    • WS_CLOSE: Close the SockJS connection

  • start: Start time of the event relative to the beginning of the run's maintenance period

  • end: End time of the event relative to the beginning of the run's maintenance period

  • time: Total elapsed time of the event

  • concurrency: A number of events that are being processed concurrently

  • maintenance: A boolean determining whether or not all simulated users are executing a session

  • label: A human readable event name

  • json: The parsed JSON provided in the recording.log file. If the field message exists, a message_parsed field is added containing a parsed form of the SockJS's JSON message content.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  `1 core` = "results/run-1/",
  `2 cores` = "results/run-2/"
} # }