An object that describes the schema of a data table, like a worksheet's summary data or underlying data, or a logical table from a data source.



Character vector indicating the ID of the underlying data table or logical table. (Not present for summary data.)


Character vector with a human-readable description of the underlying data table or logical table. (Not present for summary data.)


Character vector with either "Underlying Data Table" or "Summary Data Table" (yes, literally those strings; not sure why this field is called name but it comes from the Tableau Extension API).


A data frame that describes the columns in this table. Each data frame row describes a column in the data table. The data frame contains these columns:

  • dataType - character - "bool", "date", "date-time", "float", "int", "spatial", or "string".

  • fieldName - character - The name of the column.

  • index - integer - The column number.

  • isReferenced - logical - If TRUE, then the column is referenced in the worksheet.

See also

Data table schema objects are obtained via tableau_worksheet_info() and tableau_datasource_info().