
By placing the function use_gridlayout_rmd in the setup chunk of an Rmd you can define a gridlayout table using the a code chunk with the “language” set to gridlayout. Any markdown style table (see md_to_gridlayout()) will be used to setup a grid-layout for your page. Just make sure your sections are given headers corresponding to the respective grid elements (either using their name or by using the #My header text {#custom_id} syntax after the header.)

The following shows how you can customize the appearance of the elements of your layout using “card styles” and custom css.

The markdown code

The screenshot below is based on the following .Rmd.

title: "`gridlayout` in Rmarkdown"
author: "Nick Strayer"
date: "3/9/2021"
      version: 5

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


```{css echo=FALSE}
.section {
  outline: 2px solid silver;
  padding: 10px;

# main {.no-header}

Main content!

|      |        |         |
|      |200px   |1fr      |
|170px |header  |header   |
|1fr   |sidebar |main     |
|120px |footer  |footer   |

# Sidebar

Here is some content for the sidebar

# Footer

Anything you want could go in the footer.
