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This function registers a custom class or function with the Keras custom object registry, so that it can be serialized and deserialized without needing an entry in the user-provided custom_objects argument. It also injects a function that Keras will call to get the object's serializable string key.

Note that to be serialized and deserialized, classes must implement the get_config() method. Functions do not have this requirement.

The object will be registered under the key 'package>name' where name, defaults to the object name if not passed.


register_keras_serializable(object, name = NULL, package = NULL)



A keras object.


The name to serialize this class under in this package.


The package that this class belongs to. This is used for the key (which is "package>name") to identify the class. Defaults to the current package name, or "Custom" outside of a package.


object is returned invisibly, for convenient piping. This is primarily called for side effects.


# Note that `'my_package'` is used as the `package` argument here, and since
# the `name` argument is not provided, `'MyDense'` is used as the `name`.
layer_my_dense <- Layer("MyDense")
register_keras_serializable(layer_my_dense, package = "my_package")

MyDense <- environment(layer_my_dense)$`__class__` # the python class obj
stopifnot(exprs = {
  get_registered_object('my_package>MyDense') == MyDense
  get_registered_name(MyDense) == 'my_package>MyDense'