The softplus Bijector has the following two useful properties:

  • The domain is the positive real numbers

  • softplus(x) approx x, for large x, so it does not overflow as easily as the Exp Bijector.

  hinge_softness = NULL,
  low = NULL,
  validate_args = FALSE,
  name = "softplus"



Nonzero floating point Tensor. Controls the softness of what would otherwise be a kink at the origin. Default is 1.0.


Nonzero floating point tensor, lower bound on output values. Implicitly zero if NULL. Otherwise, the transformation y = softplus(x) + low is implemented. This is equivalent to a tfb_chain(list(tfb_shift(low), tfb_softplus())) bijector and is provided for convenience.


Logical, default FALSE. Whether to validate input with asserts. If validate_args is FALSE, and the inputs are invalid, correct behavior is not guaranteed.


name prefixed to Ops created by this class.


a bijector instance.


The optional nonzero hinge_softness parameter changes the transition at zero. With hinge_softness = c, the bijector is:

f_c(x) := c * g(x / c) = c * Log[1 + exp(x / c)].

For large x >> 1,

c * Log[1 + exp(x / c)] approx c * Log[exp(x / c)] = x

so the behavior for large x is the same as the standard softplus.
As c > 0 approaches 0 from the right, f_c(x) becomes less and less soft,
approaching max(0, x).
* c = 1 is the default.
* c > 0 but small means f(x) approx ReLu(x) = max(0, x).
* c < 0 flips sign and reflects around the y-axis: f_{-c}(x) = -f_c(-x).
* c = 0 results in a non-bijective transformation and triggers an exception.
Note: log(.) and exp(.) are applied element-wise but the Jacobian is a reduction over the event space.

[1 + exp(x / c)]: R:1%20+%20exp(x%20/%20c)
[1 + exp(x / c)]: R:1%20+%20exp(x%20/%20c)
[exp(x / c)]: R:exp(x%20/%20c)

See also