This bijector is semantically similar to tf.transpose except that it transposes only the rightmost "event" dimensions. That is, unlike tf$transpose the perm argument is itself a permutation of tf$range(rightmost_transposed_ndims) rather than tf$range(tf$rank(x)), i.e., users specify the (rightmost) dimensions to permute, not all dimensions.

  perm = NULL,
  rightmost_transposed_ndims = NULL,
  validate_args = FALSE,
  name = "transpose"



Positive integer vector-shaped Tensor representing permutation of rightmost dims (for forward transformation). Note that the 0th index represents the first of the rightmost dims and the largest value must be rightmost_transposed_ndims - 1 and corresponds to tf$rank(x) - 1. Only one of perm and rightmost_transposed_ndims can (and must) be specified. Default value: tf$range(start=rightmost_transposed_ndims, limit=-1, delta=-1).


Positive integer scalar-shaped Tensor representing the number of rightmost dimensions to permute. Only one of perm and rightmost_transposed_ndims can (and must) be specified. Default value: tf$size(perm).


Logical, default FALSE. Whether to validate input with asserts. If validate_args is FALSE, and the inputs are invalid, correct behavior is not guaranteed.


name prefixed to Ops created by this class.


a bijector instance.


The actual (forward) transformation is:

sample_batch_ndims <- tf$rank(x) - tf$size(perm) perm = tf$concat(list(tf$range(sample_batch_ndims), sample_batch_ndims + perm),axis=0) tf$transpose(x, perm)

See also