The No U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) is an adaptive variant of the Hamiltonian Monte
Carlo (HMC) method for MCMC. NUTS adapts the distance traveled in response to
the curvature of the target density. Conceptually, one proposal consists of
reversibly evolving a trajectory through the sample space, continuing until
that trajectory turns back on itself (hence the name, 'No U-Turn').
This class implements one random NUTS step from a given
. Mathematical details and derivations can be found in
Hoffman & Gelman (2011).
mcmc_no_u_turn_sampler( target_log_prob_fn, step_size, max_tree_depth = 10, max_energy_diff = 1000, unrolled_leapfrog_steps = 1, seed = NULL, name = NULL )
target_log_prob_fn | function which takes an argument like
step_size |
max_tree_depth | Maximum depth of the tree implicitly built by NUTS. The
maximum number of leapfrog steps is bounded by |
max_energy_diff | Scaler threshold of energy differences at each leapfrog, divergence samples are defined as leapfrog steps that exceed this threshold. Default to 1000. |
unrolled_leapfrog_steps | The number of leapfrogs to unroll per tree expansion step. Applies a direct linear multipler to the maximum trajectory length implied by max_tree_depth. Defaults to 1. |
seed | integer to seed the random number generator. |
name | name prefixed to Ops created by this function.
Default value: |
a Monte Carlo sampling kernel
The one_step
function can update multiple chains in parallel. It assumes
that a prefix of leftmost dimensions of current_state
index independent
chain states (and are therefore updated independently). The output of
should sum log-probabilities across all
event dimensions. Slices along the rightmost dimensions may have different
target distributions; for example, current_state[0][0, ...]
could have a
different target distribution from current_state[0][1, ...]
. These
semantics are governed by target_log_prob_fn(*current_state)
(The number of independent chains is tf$size(target_log_prob_fn(current_state))
Other mcmc_kernels:
# \donttest{ predictors <- tf$cast( c(201,244, 47,287,203,58,210,202,198,158,165,201,157, 131,166,160,186,125,218,146),tf$float32) obs <- tf$cast(c(592,401,583,402,495,173,479,504,510,416,393,442,317,311,400, 337,423,334,533,344),tf$float32) y_sigma <- tf$cast(c(61,25,38,15,21,15,27,14,30,16,14,25,52,16,34,31,42,26, 16,22),tf$float32) # Robust linear regression model robust_lm <- tfd_joint_distribution_sequential( list( tfd_normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, name = "b0"), tfd_normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, name = "b1"), tfd_half_normal(5, name = "df"), function(df, b1, b0) tfd_independent( tfd_student_t( # Likelihood df = tf$expand_dims(df, axis = -1L), loc = tf$expand_dims(b0, axis = -1L) + tf$expand_dims(b1, axis = -1L) * predictors[tf$newaxis, ], scale = y_sigma, name = "st" ), name = "ind")), validate_args = TRUE) log_prob <-function(b0, b1, df) {robust_lm %>% tfd_log_prob(list(b0, b1, df, obs))} step_size0 <- Map(function(x) tf$cast(x, tf$float32), c(1, .2, .5)) number_of_steps <- 10 burnin <- 5 nchain <- 50 run_chain <- function() { # random initialization of the starting postion of each chain samples <- robust_lm %>% tfd_sample(nchain) b0 <- samples[[1]] b1 <- samples[[2]] df <- samples[[3]] # bijector to map constrained parameters to real unconstraining_bijectors <- list( tfb_identity(), tfb_identity(), tfb_exp()) trace_fn <- function(x, pkr) { list(pkr$inner_results$inner_results$step_size, pkr$inner_results$inner_results$log_accept_ratio) } nuts <- mcmc_no_u_turn_sampler( target_log_prob_fn = log_prob, step_size = step_size0 ) %>% mcmc_transformed_transition_kernel(bijector = unconstraining_bijectors) %>% mcmc_dual_averaging_step_size_adaptation( num_adaptation_steps = burnin, step_size_setter_fn = function(pkr, new_step_size) pkr$`_replace`( inner_results = pkr$inner_results$`_replace`(step_size = new_step_size)), step_size_getter_fn = function(pkr) pkr$inner_results$step_size, log_accept_prob_getter_fn = function(pkr) pkr$inner_results$log_accept_ratio ) nuts %>% mcmc_sample_chain( num_results = number_of_steps, num_burnin_steps = burnin, current_state = list(b0, b1, df), trace_fn = trace_fn) } run_chain <- tensorflow::tf_function(run_chain) res <- run_chain() # }