Decompose a forecast distribution into contributions from each component.

sts_decompose_forecast_by_component(model, forecast_dist, parameter_samples)



An instance of sts_sum representing a structural time series model.


A Distribution instance returned by sts_forecast(). (specifically, must be a tfd.MixtureSameFamily over a tfd_linear_gaussian_state_space_model parameterized by posterior samples).


list of tensors representing posterior samples of model parameters, with shapes list(tf$concat(list(list(num_posterior_draws), param<1>$prior$batch_shape, param<1>$prior$event_shape), list(list(num_posterior_draws), param<2>$prior$batch_shape, param<2>$prior$event_shape), ... ) ) for all model parameters. This may optionally also be a named list mapping parameter names to tensor values.


component_dists A named list mapping component StructuralTimeSeries instances (elements of model$components) to Distribution instances representing the marginal forecast for each component. Each distribution has batch shape matching forecast_dist (specifically, the event shape is [num_steps_forecast]).

See also