Given samples from the posterior over parameters, return the predictive distribution over observations at each time T, given observations up through time T-1.

sts_one_step_predictive(observed_time_series, model, parameter_samples)



float tensor of shape concat([sample_shape, model.batch_shape, [num_timesteps, 1]]) where sample_shape corresponds to i.i.d. observations, and the trailing [1] dimension may (optionally) be omitted if num_timesteps > 1. May optionally be an instance of sts_masked_time_series, which includes a mask tensor to specify timesteps with missing observations.


An instance of StructuralTimeSeries representing a time-series model. This represents a joint distribution over time-series and their parameters with batch shape [b1, ..., bN].


list of tensors representing posterior samples of model parameters, with shapes list(tf$concat(list(list(num_posterior_draws), param<1>$prior$batch_shape, param<1>$prior$event_shape), list(list(num_posterior_draws), param<2>$prior$batch_shape, param<2>$prior$event_shape), ... ) ) for all model parameters. This may optionally also be a named list mapping parameter names to tensor values.


forecast_dist a tfd_mixture_same_family instance with event shape list(num_timesteps) and batch shape tf$concat(list(sample_shape, model$batch_shape)), with num_posterior_draws mixture components. The tth step represents the forecast distribution p(observed_time_series[t] | observed_time_series[0:t-1], parameter_samples).

See also