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With any table object, you can produce a summary table that is scoped to string-based columns. The output summary table will have a leading column called ".param." with labels for each of the three rows, each corresponding to the following pieces of information pertaining to string length:

  1. Mean String Length ("length_mean")

  2. Minimum String Length ("length_min")

  3. Maximum String Length ("length_max")

Only string data from the input table will generate columns in the output table. Column names from the input will be used in the output, preserving order as well.





A data table

obj:<tbl_*> // required

A table object to be used as input for the transformation. This can be a data frame, a tibble, a tbl_dbi object, or a tbl_spark object.


A tibble object.


Get string information for the string-based columns in the game_revenue dataset that is included in the pointblank package.

tt_string_info(tbl = game_revenue)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 7
#>   .param.     player_id session_id item_type item_name acquisition country
#>   <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 length_mean        15         24      2.22      7.35        7.97    8.53
#> 2 length_min         15         24      2         5           5       5
#> 3 length_max         15         24      3        11          14      14

Ensure that player_id and session_id values always have the same fixed numbers of characters (15 and 24, respectively) throughout the table.

tt_string_info(tbl = game_revenue) %>%
    columns = player_id,
    value = 15
  ) %>%
    columns = session_id,
    value = 24
#> # A tibble: 3 x 7
#>   .param.     player_id session_id item_type item_name acquisition country
#>   <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 length_mean        15         24      2.22      7.35        7.97    8.53
#> 2 length_min         15         24      2         5           5       5
#> 3 length_max         15         24      3        11          14      14

We see data, and not an error, so both validations were successful!

Let's use a tt_string_info()-transformed table with the test_col_vals_lte() to check that the maximum string length in column f of the small_table dataset is no greater than 4.

tt_string_info(tbl = small_table) %>%
    columns = f,
    value = 4
#> [1] TRUE

Function ID


See also