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The email_create() function produces an email message object that could be sent using the blastula package. By supplying a pointblank agent, a blastula email_message message object will be created and printing it will make the HTML email message appear in the Viewer.


  msg_header = NULL,
  msg_body = stock_msg_body(),
  msg_footer = stock_msg_footer()



The pointblank agent object

obj:<ptblank_agent> // required

A pointblank agent object that is commonly created through the use of the create_agent() function.

Content for the header, body, and footer components of the HTML email message.


A blastula email_message object.


For the example provided here, we'll use the included small_table dataset. We are also going to create an action_levels() list object since this is useful for demonstrating an emailing scenario. It will have absolute values for the warn and notify states (with thresholds of 1 and 2 'fail' units, respectively, for the two states).

al <-
    warn_at = 1,
    notify_at = 2

In a workflow that involves an agent object, we can make use of the end_fns argument and programmatically email the report with the email_blast() function. However, an alternate workflow that is demonstrated here is to produce the email object directly. This provides the flexibility to send the email outside of the pointblank API. The email_create() function lets us do this with an agent object. We can then view the HTML email just by printing email_object. It should appear in the Viewer.

email_object <-
    tbl = small_table,
    tbl_name = "small_table",
    label = "An example.",
    actions = al
  ) %>%
  col_vals_gt(a, value = 1) %>%
  col_vals_lt(a, value = 7) %>%
  interrogate() %>%


This image was generated from the first code example in the `email_create()` help file.

Function ID


See also