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The agent's x-list is a record of information that the agent possesses at any given time. The x-list will contain the most complete information after an interrogation has taken place (before then, the data largely reflects the validation plan). The x-list can be constrained to a particular validation step (by supplying the step number to the i argument), or, we can get the information for all validation steps by leaving i unspecified. The x-list is indeed an R list object that contains a veritable cornucopia of information.

For an x-list obtained with i specified for a validation step, the following components are available:

  • time_start: the time at which the interrogation began (POSIXct [0 or 1])

  • time_end: the time at which the interrogation ended (POSIXct [0 or 1])

  • label: the optional label given to the agent (chr [1])

  • tbl_name: the name of the table object, if available (chr [1])

  • tbl_src: the type of table used in the validation (chr [1])

  • tbl_src_details: if the table is a database table, this provides further details for the DB table (chr [1])

  • tbl: the table object itself

  • col_names: the table's column names (chr [ncol(tbl)])

  • col_types: the table's column types (chr [ncol(tbl)])

  • i: the validation step index (int [1])

  • type: the type of validation, value is validation function name (chr [1])

  • columns: the columns specified for the validation function (chr [variable length])

  • values: the values specified for the validation function (mixed types [variable length])

  • briefs: the brief for the validation step in the specified lang (chr [1])

  • eval_error, eval_warning: indicates whether the evaluation of the step function, during interrogation, resulted in an error or a warning (lgl [1])

  • capture_stack: a list of captured errors or warnings during step-function evaluation at interrogation time (list [1])

  • n: the number of test units for the validation step (num [1])

  • n_passed, n_failed: the number of passing and failing test units for the validation step (num [1])

  • f_passed: the fraction of passing test units for the validation step, n_passed / n (num [1])

  • f_failed: the fraction of failing test units for the validation step, n_failed / n (num [1])

  • warn, stop, notify: a logical value indicating whether the level of failing test units caused the corresponding conditions to be entered (lgl [1])

  • lang: the two-letter language code that indicates which language should be used for all briefs, the agent report, and the reporting generated by the scan_data() function (chr [1])

If i is unspecified (i.e., not constrained to a specific validation step) then certain length-one components in the x-list will be expanded to the total number of validation steps (these are: i, type, columns, values, briefs, eval_error, eval_warning, capture_stack, n, n_passed, n_failed, f_passed, f_failed, warn, stop, and notify). The x-list will also have additional components when i is NULL, which are:

  • report_object: a gt table object, which is also presented as the default print method for a ptblank_agent

  • email_object: a blastula email_message object with a default set of components

  • report_html: the HTML source for the report_object, provided as a length-one character vector

  • report_html_small: the HTML source for a narrower, more condensed version of report_object, provided as a length-one character vector; The HTML has inlined styles, making it more suitable for email message bodies


get_agent_x_list(agent, i = NULL)



The pointblank agent object

obj:<ptblank_agent> // required

A pointblank agent object that is commonly created through the use of the create_agent() function.


A validation step number

scalar<integer> // default: NULL (optional)

The validation step number, which is assigned to each validation step in the order of invocation. If NULL (the default), the x-list will provide information for all validation steps. If a valid step number is provided then x-list will have information pertaining only to that step.


An x_list object.


Create a simple data frame with a column of numerical values.

tbl <- dplyr::tibble(a = c(5, 7, 8, 5))

#> # A tibble: 4 x 1
#>       a
#>   <dbl>
#> 1     5
#> 2     7
#> 3     8
#> 4     5

Create an action_levels() list with fractional values for the warn, stop, and notify states.

al <-
    warn_at = 0.2,
    stop_at = 0.8,
    notify_at = 0.345

Create an agent (giving it the tbl and the al objects), supply two validation step functions, then interrogate.

agent <-
    tbl = tbl,
    actions = al
  ) %>%
  col_vals_gt(columns = a, value = 7) %>%
  col_is_numeric(columns = a) %>%

Get the f_passed component of the agent x-list.

x <- get_agent_x_list(agent)


#> [1] 0.25 1.00

Function ID


See also